keras-yolo4 copied to clipboard
GPU memory requirement
请问训练该模型使用的GPU是什么型号,显存大小? GPU=8G显存,能否支持训练batch_size = 4?
@Simon-liusheng 8G显存的话,只需要将batch_size = 2就能完成作者的训练吗?model size不要修改吧?比如将(608,608)改为(512, 512),或者(416,416)。 因为我看默认下载的yolov4.weights的model size是(608,608)。 谢谢
@Simon-liusheng 8G显存的话,只需要将batch_size = 2就能完成作者的训练吗?model size不要修改吧?比如将(608,608)改为(512, 512),或者(416,416)。 因为我看默认下载的yolov4.weights的model size是(608,608)。 谢谢
ohh i did not notice that. are we supposed to be using 608X608 in train? I sort of assumed it would not matter if this was from Darknet yolov4. Also I have a RTX 2080 TI founders edition with 11g. It can barely handle a batch size of 4 on a small data set. This seems odd. Why is memory usage so much?
@Simon-liusheng 8G显存的话,只需要将batch_size = 2就能完成作者的训练吗?model size不要修改吧?比如将(608,608)改为(512, 512),或者(416,416)。 因为我看默认下载的yolov4.weights的model size是(608,608)。 谢谢
ohh i did not notice that. are we supposed to be using 608X608 in train? I sort of assumed it would not matter if this was from Darknet yolov4. Also I have a RTX 2080 TI founders edition with 11g. It can barely handle a batch size of 4 on a small data set. This seems odd. Why is memory usage so much?
qqwweee's implemantation is on yolov3 not v4. yolov4 is a way bigger network and requiers a lot more vram to run. In the github repository of the original yolo their is a section witch tells you what changes you need to do according to your gpu memory to train it faster