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Automatic DJ-mixing of tracks


Automatic DJ-mixing of tracks


Clone or download the repository, then run from within the folder:

pip install .

Or to keep the project editable, use:

pip install . --editable


Installing the project with pip should download all the dependencies except Richard Vogl's drums transcription: This project is a fork of Madmom, and has to be installed it in a different environment to keep both libraries accessible.

cd vendors
# python3 -m venv madmomDrumsEnv doesn't work for the installation. for now keeping python2
virtualenv madmomDrumsEnv 

#install the dependencies. 
madmomDrumsEnv/bin/pip install numpy
madmomDrumsEnv/bin/pip install scipy
madmomDrumsEnv/bin/pip install cython
madmomDrumsEnv/bin/pip install nose
#might fail ?
sudo apt-get install python-dev
madmomDrumsEnv/bin/pip install pyaudio

#install from the source ``
tar -xvzf mirex-18.tar.gz
cd madmom-0.16.dev0/
# --user seems not available anymore
../madmomDrumsEnv/bin/python develop 
#check if it's working
cd ..
madmomDrumsEnv/bin/python madmom-0.16.dev0/bin/DrumTranscriptor
#clean everything
rm mirex-18.tar.gz


from automix.model.classes.track import Track
track = Track(path="path to audio file")
cues = track.getCueIns()
times = cues.times
confidences = cues.values