sage-acf-wp-blocks icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
sage-acf-wp-blocks copied to clipboard

Deprecation Notice: Using ${var} in strings is deprecated, use {$var} instead

Open dbebawy-modus opened this issue 1 year ago • 5 comments


dbebawy-modus avatar Nov 22 '23 14:11 dbebawy-modus

this works with php 8.1.xxxx /vendor/mwdelaney/sage-acf-gutenberg-blocks/sage-acf-gutenberg-blocks.php

line 56: $file = "{$dir}/{$slug}.blade.php";

line 80 and above:

if (empty($file_headers['title'])) { if (is_callable($sage_error)) { $sage_error(__('This block needs a title: ' . $dir . '/' . $template->getFilename(), 'sage'), __('Block title missing', 'sage')); } else { // Handle the error appropriately echo "Error: sage_error function is not callable."; } }

if (empty($file_headers['category'])) { if (is_callable($sage_error)) { $sage_error(__('This block needs a category: ' . $dir . '/' . $template->getFilename(), 'sage'), __('Block category missing', 'sage')); } else { // Handle the error appropriately echo "Error: sage_error function is not callable."; } }

namespace App;

// Check whether WordPress and ACF are available; bail if not. if (! function_exists('acf_register_block_type')) { return; } if (! function_exists('add_filter')) { return; } if (! function_exists('add_action')) { return; }

// Add the default blocks location, 'views/blocks', via filter add_filter('sage-acf-gutenberg-blocks-templates', function () { return ['views/blocks']; });


  • Create blocks based on templates found in Sage's "views/blocks" directory */ add_action('acf/init', function () {

    // Global $sage_error so we can throw errors in the typical sage manner global $sage_error;

    // Get an array of directories containing blocks $directories = apply_filters('sage-acf-gutenberg-blocks-templates', []);

    // Check whether ACF exists before continuing foreach ($directories as $directory) { $dir = isSage10() ? \Roots\resource_path($directory) : \locate_template($directory);

     // Sanity check whether the directory we're iterating over exists first
     if (!file_exists($dir)) {
     // Iterate over the directories provided and look for templates
     $template_directory = new \DirectoryIterator($dir);
     foreach ($template_directory as $template) {
         if (!$template->isDot() && !$template->isDir()) {
             // Strip the file extension to get the slug
             $slug = removeBladeExtension($template->getFilename());
             // If there is no slug (most likely because the filename does
             // not end with ".blade.php", move on to the next file.
             if (!$slug) {
             // Get header info from the found template file(s)
             $file = "{$dir}/{$slug}.blade.php";
             $file_path = file_exists($file) ? $file : '';
             $file_headers = get_file_data($file_path, [
                 'title' => 'Title',
                 'description' => 'Description',
                 'category' => 'Category',
                 'icon' => 'Icon',
                 'keywords' => 'Keywords',
                 'mode' => 'Mode',
                 'align' => 'Align',
                 'post_types' => 'PostTypes',
                 'supports_align' => 'SupportsAlign',
                 'supports_anchor' => 'SupportsAnchor',
                 'supports_mode' => 'SupportsMode',
                 'supports_jsx' => 'SupportsInnerBlocks',
                 'supports_align_text' => 'SupportsAlignText',
                 'supports_align_content' => 'SupportsAlignContent',
                 'supports_multiple' => 'SupportsMultiple',
                 'enqueue_style'     => 'EnqueueStyle',
                 'enqueue_script'    => 'EnqueueScript',
                 'enqueue_assets'    => 'EnqueueAssets',
             if (empty($file_headers['title'])) {
                 if (is_callable($sage_error)) {
                     $sage_error(__('This block needs a title: ' . $dir . '/' . $template->getFilename(), 'sage'), __('Block title missing', 'sage'));
                 } else {
                     // Handle the error appropriately
                     echo "Error: sage_error function is not callable.";
             if (empty($file_headers['category'])) {
                 if (is_callable($sage_error)) {
                     $sage_error(__('This block needs a category: ' . $dir . '/' . $template->getFilename(), 'sage'), __('Block category missing', 'sage'));
                 } else {
                     // Handle the error appropriately
                     echo "Error: sage_error function is not callable.";
             // Checks if dist contains this asset, then enqueues the dist version.
             if (!empty($file_headers['enqueue_style'])) {
             if (!empty($file_headers['enqueue_script'])) {
             // Set up block data for registration
             $data = [
                 'name' => $slug,
                 'title' => $file_headers['title'],
                 'description' => $file_headers['description'],
                 'category' => $file_headers['category'],
                 'icon' => $file_headers['icon'],
                 'keywords' => explode(' ', $file_headers['keywords']),
                 'mode' => $file_headers['mode'],
                 'align' => $file_headers['align'],
                 'render_callback'  => __NAMESPACE__.'\\sage_blocks_callback',
                 'enqueue_style'   => $file_headers['enqueue_style'],
                 'enqueue_script'  => $file_headers['enqueue_script'],
                 'enqueue_assets'  => $file_headers['enqueue_assets'],
             // If the PostTypes header is set in the template, restrict this block to those types
             if (!empty($file_headers['post_types'])) {
                 $data['post_types'] = explode(' ', $file_headers['post_types']);
             // If the SupportsAlign header is set in the template, restrict this block to those aligns
             if (!empty($file_headers['supports_align'])) {
                 $data['supports']['align'] = in_array($file_headers['supports_align'], array('true', 'false'), true) ? filter_var($file_headers['supports_align'], FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN) : explode(' ', $file_headers['supports_align']);
             // If the SupportsMode header is set in the template, restrict this block mode feature
             if (!empty($file_headers['supports_anchor'])) {
                 $data['supports']['anchor'] = $file_headers['supports_anchor'] === 'true' ? true : false;
             // If the SupportsMode header is set in the template, restrict this block mode feature
             if (!empty($file_headers['supports_mode'])) {
                 $data['supports']['mode'] = $file_headers['supports_mode'] === 'true' ? true : false;
             // If the SupportsInnerBlocks header is set in the template, restrict this block mode feature
             if (!empty($file_headers['supports_jsx'])) {
                $data['supports']['jsx'] = $file_headers['supports_jsx'] === 'true' ? true : false;
             // If the SupportsAlignText header is set in the template, restrict this block mode feature
             if (!empty($file_headers['supports_align_text'])) {
                $data['supports']['align_text'] = $file_headers['supports_align_text'] === 'true' ? true : false;
             // If the SupportsAlignContent header is set in the template, restrict this block mode feature
             if (!empty($file_headers['supports_align_text'])) {
                $data['supports']['align_content'] = $file_headers['supports_align_content'] === 'true' ? true : false;
             // If the SupportsMultiple header is set in the template, restrict this block multiple feature
             if (!empty($file_headers['supports_multiple'])) {
                 $data['supports']['multiple'] = $file_headers['supports_multiple'] === 'true' ? true : false;
             // Register the block with ACF
             \acf_register_block_type( apply_filters( "sage/blocks/$slug/register-data", $data ) );

    } });


  • Callback to register blocks */ function sage_blocks_callback($block, $content = '', $is_preview = false, $post_id = 0) { // Set up the slug to be useful $slug = str_replace('acf/', '', $block['name']); $block = array_merge(['className' => ''], $block);

    // Set up the block data $block['post_id'] = $post_id; $block['is_preview'] = $is_preview; $block['content'] = $content; $block['slug'] = $slug; $block['anchor'] = isset($block['anchor']) ? $block['anchor'] : ''; // Send classes as array to filter for easy manipulation. $block['classes'] = [ $slug, $block['className'], $block['is_preview'] ? 'is-preview' : null, 'align'.$block['align'] ];

    // Filter the block data. $block = apply_filters("sage/blocks/$slug/data", $block);

    // Join up the classes. $block['classes'] = implode(' ', array_filter($block['classes']));

    // Get the template directories. $directories = apply_filters('sage-acf-gutenberg-blocks-templates', []);

    foreach ($directories as $directory) { $view = ltrim($directory, 'views/') . '/' . $slug;

     if (isSage10()) {
         if (\Roots\view()->exists($view)) {
             // Use Sage's view() function to echo the block and populate it with data
             echo \Roots\view($view, ['block' => $block]);
     } else {
         try {
             // Use Sage 9's template() function to echo the block and populate it with data
             echo \App\template($view, ['block' => $block]);
         } catch (\Exception $e) {

    } }


  • Function to strip the .blade.php from a blade filename / function removeBladeExtension($filename) { // Filename must end with ".blade.php". Parenthetical captures the slug. $blade_pattern = '/(.).blade.php$/'; $matches = []; // If the filename matches the pattern, return the slug. if (preg_match($blade_pattern, $filename, $matches)) { return $matches[1]; } // Return FALSE if the filename doesn't match the pattern. return FALSE; }


  • Checks asset path for specified asset.
  • @param string &$path
  • @return void */ function checkAssetPath(&$path) { if (preg_match("/^(styles|scripts)/", $path)) { $path = isSage10() ? \Roots\asset($path)->uri() : \App\asset_path($path); } }


  • Check if Sage 10 is used.
  • @return bool */ function isSage10() { return class_exists('Roots\Acorn\Application'); }

artsunique avatar Feb 06 '24 15:02 artsunique

If you install the dev-master version, the Deprication warning goes away, as it's fixed already, just there was no release from it. Put this in your composer.json: "mwdelaney/sage-acf-gutenberg-blocks": "dev-master".

Koli14 avatar Mar 21 '24 08:03 Koli14

If you install the dev-master version, the Deprication warning goes away, as it's fixed already, just there was no release from it. Put this in your composer.json: "mwdelaney/sage-acf-gutenberg-blocks": "dev-master".

Thank you for that hint! 👏🏻

vdrnn avatar Mar 29 '24 13:03 vdrnn

If you install the dev-master version, the Deprication warning goes away, as it's fixed already, just there was no release from it. Put this in your composer.json: "mwdelaney/sage-acf-gutenberg-blocks": "dev-master".

Thank you it helped me a lot

zethuynh123 avatar May 08 '24 08:05 zethuynh123