Dominik Klein
Dominik Klein
- [ ] what to do if you don't get convergence generally - [ ] `plot_convergence` - [ ] advanced examples on passing (dictionary including `attr`, `key`, `tag`)
- [ ] how to change the cost with `local-pca` callback, i.e. to explain what was mentioned in issue #420
Explain how to use `xy_callback`, `xy_callback_kwargs`, ...
@michalk8 shall we do this?
> Very nice effort! Is there any timeline on when this PR will be merged? Or, if you are looking for help, could you describe what is missing for this...
Hi @hbenedek , Great to hear you're interested in collaborating! Indeed, I would highly appreciate your help. I think/hope we'll be done with the implementation on the ott-jax side by...
Hi @ivirshup, Thanks for raising this! Which database would you recommend for gene ids?
`batch_size` is only used in `aggregation=="cell"`, but not in `aggregation=="annotation"`. @ArinaDanilina could you please see whether you can fix this? Just adapt what we do in the `aggregation=="cell"` statement to...