Dominik Klein
Dominik Klein
Hence, it's faster id we have a large batch size in `point_cloud`, and a small batch size in `sparsify`, is this correct? Thus, there doesn't seem to be a need...
Hi Marius, Thanks for opening this issue. I think we should discuss whether we want to throw an error for unrecognized arguments. We do this in the `solve` methods, as...
@michalk8 sorry complete lost track of this. What's the state?
in the failing tests, set `tau_a, tau_b > 0.5`
agree, can you maybe try to run the example without moscot, but directly with ott-jax @selmanozleyen ? This might help @michalk8
please also add the graph callback
Please also add a general reference to examples / tutorials at the end.
> @MUCDK do you think GENOT code in ottjax is final? My version in my thesis project is very different from the one in ottjax . If you like maybe...
Greatl, let's wait for @ilan-gold 's response, and then merge.
Hi @katelynxli , I think the reason for this is the `threshold` parameter, which we experienced to be hard to set in the unbalanced case. I would suggest two approaches:...