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Uploading Arab Andalusian Lyrics
The lyrics files corresponding to some of the Arab Andalusian Collection's recordings (only about 110) need to be added.
There are 2 aspects for this issue: a. Addition of the Lyrics to MusicBrainz/Zenodo. b. Upload of Lyrics to Dunya
Point a: Based on the following discussion https://community.metabrainz.org/t/lyrics-link/4902, it seems that lyrics could be added to lyricsWiki, and linked to MusicBrainz works or releases. Adding them to works of arab andalusian collection is not convenient because in the collection on muscbrainz, work = mizan (nawba + rhythm mizan). This that although the lyrics of the recordings in the work can be from the same set of poems, they do not necessarily (and probably won’t) be versions of one another, and they are not even performances of the same orchestra. It could make sense to link the lyrics to release groups. Currently the lyrics files are per recording, so whether they are added to lyricsWiki and linked to works or release groups, the lyrics files need to be grouped properly.
Another option is to just add them on Zenodo, as was the case for the first version of the lyrics corpus found in https://zenodo.org/record/1291904#.XMgswJMzYWo, and add the new files + create a new version. (this point and the one above are not exclusive. It can be both, but at least one)
Point b To allow the addition of lyrics through dunya dashboard, the following file updates are needed:
in dashboard/templates/dashboard/index.html, add dashboard-andalusian-lyrics menu item in the same manner of dashboard-andalusian-elements/catalog/score.
in dashboard/urls.py, add a url() line in urlpatterns to resolve the new dashboard-andalusian-lyrics menu item added above, like the resolutions added for arabandalusian/score, for example. The new url must link to a view, which is explained next.
In dashboard/views.py, add a function called import_andalusian_lyrics. This is what the aforementioned url will link to. The exact steps of this function is yet to be discussed/thorugh of. Conclusions on where the document model in the docserver app should be updated may be inferred from the code for adding catalogues or scores, however these details are not very clear at the moment.