obsidian-advanced-slides copied to clipboard
Codeblocks are not rendering as expected
Describe the bug Codeblocks are not working as the documentation says
Samples to Reproduce
Literally copy/paste the codeblock from the docs and instead of getting the expected codeblock, you get this:
Expected behavior
This of course
Some extra details I don't know if this will help, but I'm using the app-image on archlinux. I even tried disabling the default slides extension that obsidian already comes with and it doesn't change anything. Interestingly, the default slides extension DOES show the code block as expected. Hope this helps
Ohh yeah, i was able to reproduce it. Thx for the bug report
I have the same issue. In my example it looks like it has something to do with curly braces. Most likely an escaping issue.
Here's a sample from where I have an issue:
syntax = "proto3";
package customer;
service Customers {
rpc GetCustomerById (GetCustomerByIdRequest) returns (CustomerDetails);
rpc GetCustomerByFoo (GetCustomerByFooRequest) returns (CustomerDetails);
message GetCustomerByIdRequest {
string id = 1;
message GetCustomerByFooRequest {
int32 id = 1;
message CustomerDetails {
string id = 1;
string name = 2;
Address address = 3;
message Address {
string streetName
string zipCode
It seems a bit flaky. As a workaround, I found that sometimes changing the indentation can help.
For the example from the docs, it's technically invalid Markdown until you remove the indentation on the last line (before the ```).
That said, I ran into an issue earlier (which lead me to this thread) where I thought I found a valid block that still wouldn't render correctly. But now I can't seem to reproduce it.