vscode-compiler-explorer copied to clipboard
Offline-Mode Feature
Godbolt's Compiler-Explorer provides a great on-the-go convenience for side-by-side comparisons of C/C++ and assembly. However, it requires a network connection to work both in browser and in VSCode. What if you could add an offline mode that doesn't depend solely on the online Compiler-Explorer?
With any GCC or Clang toolchain, the commands are
gcc -S -o- ${filename} ${compileroptions}
clang -S -o- ${filename} ${compileroptions}
g++ and clang++ also work
For MSVC, I believe the command is cl /FAs /o - ${filename} ${compileroptions}
but haven't confirmed.
You can use child_proc in place of node-fetch. The code looks something like:
export interface CompilerProperties {
compiler: string
flags: string
includes: string[]
async compile(properties: CompilerProperties, file: string, lang: string) : Promise<string> {
let vspath: string
if (vscode.workspace.workspaceFolders == undefined) vspath = ''
else vspath = vscode.workspace.workspaceFolders[0].uri.fsPath
return new Promise((resolve, _reject) => {
lang = lang.toUpperCase()
if (lang !== 'C' && lang !== 'CXX' && lang !== 'C++' && lang !== 'CPP')
resolve(`unsupported language ${lang}`)
let command: string = `${properties.compiler} ${properties.flags} -S -o- ${file} `
for (let i = 0; i < properties.includes.length; i++) {
let include = properties.includes[i]
if (include.startsWith('${workspaceFolder}'))
include = include.replace('${workspaceFolder}', vspath)
if (include.length === 0) continue
command = command.concat(`-I${include} `)
// cp: child_proc
cp.exec(command, (err:cp.ExecException | null, stdout:string, stderr:string) => {
if (err) {
console.log('error: ', err)
resolve(`Error: ${err}`)
if (stderr.length > 0) resolve(`Command: ${command}\n\n${stderr}`)
else resolve(`Command: ${command}\n\n${stdout}`)