> Oh, this might be the input image issue. What kind of image did you subscribe? Was it a color image? subscribers: front_cam: # topic_name: '/camera/depth/points' topic_name: '/camera/depth/color/points' data_type: pointcloud...
[ INFO] [1709173219.924276172]: Subscribed to Image topic: /camera/color/image_raw, Camera info topic: /camera/color/camera_info. Channel info topic: Not found. Using channels: rgb [ INFO] [1709173219.925903082]: Subscribed to PointCloud2 topic: /camera/depth/color/points [ INFO]...
RUN `roslaunch elevation_mapping_cupy turtlesim_semantic_pointcloud_example.launch`, also have the question. image_topic: /zed2i/zed_node/left/image_rect_color pub_all: false publish_feature_image: false publish_segmentation_image: false segmentation_image_topic: /semantic_sensor/sem_seg segmentation_model: lraspp_mobilenet_v3_large semantic_segmentation: false sensor_name: front_cam show_label_legend: false topic_name: /elvation_mapping/pointcloud_semantic --------------End of...
> Oh so it does happen with the turtlesim example? Maybe there's some issue in the dependencies. > > Have you tried with docker already? Thank you for your reply....
> Oh so it does happen with the turtlesim example? Maybe there's some issue in the dependencies. > > Have you tried with docker already? I only positioned the channel...