plagiarism icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
plagiarism copied to clipboard

Check and retrieve the unique content from internet


Search for plagiarism and check the duplication of your content from Bing, Google, Yahoo and DuckDuckGo.


gem 'plagiarism2', require: 'plagiarism'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install plagiarism2


Add in your config

Plagiarism.configure do |config|
  config.threshold = 0.8 # => default is 0.8
  config.strategies = [xxx] # => [:google, :bing, :duck, :yahoo]
  config.whitelists = ['']

There is a limit in using duck, yahoo and free google. If you spam request, they will mark you as spam

  • Using bing engine, you have to set access key (you can get it from here)
config.strategies = :bing
config.bing_key = xxx
  • Using google engine (not free google), you have to set two keys (you can get it from here)
config.strategies = :google
config.google_key = xxx
config.google_cx = xx
text = 'Latte user story paradigm affordances experiential innovate venture capital physical computing. Ship it agile actionable insight iterate thought leader pitch deck experiential iterate. Venture capital food-truck quantitative vs. qualitative SpaceTeam convergence agile.'
Plagiarism.unique? text # => true

Plagiarism.unique? is true when all strategies is true

Plagiarism.match 'ringmd' # => ''


plagiarism init # generate config, default ~/.plagiarism.yml
plagiarism unique -c="ringmd" # => false
plagiarism match -c="ringmd" # => ''

For more details, you can use help

plagiarism help init


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.

Disclaim: Yahoo and DuckDuckGo don't support api, therefore plagiarism has to crawl data and they will mark plagiarism as spam as we request too much, if you find any better solution, please help me.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.