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Document shared persistent variables
This needs to be a wiki page, so prop makers have this data available to make props that interact with existing features. I'll merge additional persistents into this post, and put a wiki page up once this looks fairly complete.
Valid ranges are listed as [x, y], where x
is the minimum value, y
is the maximum value (both inclusive). any value
means it's a floating point number (fractional values are valid), integer
means it must only be integers (no fractions).
There are many persistents named (something)Cabin_Light. These persistents are used to control prop cabin lights, or lighting installed in the IVA's mesh (Interior cabin lighting).
The persistents listed below for the FDAI 1 prop have equivalent values for FDAI 2.
- "ALCOR_ALT_WARN_INPUT" - Altitude for a warning system. Integer 0, 100, 200, or 300. NOTE: Not currently implemented.
- "ALCOR_CamATilt", "ALCOR_CamBTilt", "ALCOR_CamCTilt", and "ALCOR_CamDTilt" - Camera tilt controls for the four external cameras on the ALCOR lander.
- "ALCOR_Camera_HighGain" - Controls whether high gain mode is enabled on the cameras. Integer [0, 1].
- "ALCOR_DockingShutter" - Controls the docking window shutter on the ALCOR lander. Integer [0, 1].
- "ALCOR_FINALAPPROACH" - Docking ready indicator. Integer [0, 1].
- "AVAS_ON" - Altitude Voice Annunciation System master enable. Integer [0, 1].
- "ASET_ELEC_POWER_SOURCE_SELECT" - Electric Output Prop electric source selector. Integer [0, 4].
- "ASET_SpeedIndicatorMode" - An optional mode selector for the MAS_ASET_AnalogSpeedIndicator prop. Integer [0, 3].
- "ASET_WARN_SLOPE_ON" - Slope warning system master enable. Integer [0, 1].
- "ASET_WARN_TUMBLE_ON" - Tumble warning system master enable, Integer [0, 1].
- "AUTOSPEEDBRAKE_ARM" - Auto speedbrake feature enable, Integer [0, 1].
- "Backlight" - Control panel back light illumination. Any value [0, 1].
- "Center_Light" - IVA light control for the lander can IVA light "light_center". Any value [0, 1].
- "Cockpit_Light" - Prop cabin lighting brightness, plus interior light "Main light". Any value [0, 1].
- "CP01_Light" - Prop cabin lighting brightness. Any value [0, 1].
- "CP02_Light" - Prop cabin lighting brightness. Any value [0, 1].
- "Engineer_Light" - Prop cabin lighting brightness. Any value [0, 1].
- "ERSHUD_Compass" - Unknown use. Integer [0, 1].
- "ERSHUD_Orientation" - Unknown use. Integer [0, 1].
- "ALCOR_EPG_FAKE" - Master enable for the Emergency Power Generator. Integer [0, 1]. NOTE: I do not plan on implementing the EPG feature. It behaves like a monopropellant fuel cell without installing a part, and I think modern KSP doesn't need it.
- "Flood_Light" - Prop cabin lighting brightness. Any value [0, 1].
- "GPWS_ON" - GPWS warning master enable. Integer [0, 1].
- "Kossack_Light" - IVA light control for the Kossack IVA light "lightSpott". Any value [0, 1].
- "MainPanel_Light" - IVA light control for the Mk1 Cockpit (original) IVA light "Sec light". Any value [0, 1].
- "MAS_ARRT_On" - Master power for the ARRT prop. Integer [0, 1].
- "MAS_ARRT_Enable" - Instrument enabled indicator for the ARRT prop. Integer [0, 1]. Set automatically - do not set it manually.
- "MAS_ARRT_Mode" - Mode selector for the ARRT prop. Integer [0, 1].
- "MAS_ARRT_Mode_Validation" - Mode validation variable for the ARRT prop. Integer 0, 1, or 2. Set automatically - do not set it manually.
- "MAS_STS_TimerSecs" - Used to store # of seconds when using the STS Thumbwheel assembly.
- "MAS_STS_TimerMins" - Used to store # of minutes when using the STS Thumbwheel assembly.
- "MAS_FDAI1_ErrorFlag" - Error flag enable for the FDAI 1 prop. Integer [0, 1].
- "MAS_FDAI1_ErrorScalar" - Scaling value for the error needles for the FDAI 1 prop.
- "MAS_FDAI1_Mode" - Mode selector for the FDAI 1 prop. Integer [1, 7].
- "MAS_FDAI1_PortFlag" - Docking port alignment flag enable for the FDAI 1 prop. Integer [0, 1].
- "MAS_FDAI1_Positive" - Positive/Negative switch position for the FDAI 1 GMCP prop. Integer [0, 1].
- "MAS_FDAI1_Power" - Master power for the FDAI 1 prop. Integer [0, 1].
- "MAS_FDAI1_RateScalar" - Scaling value for the rate arrows for the FDAI 1 prop.
- "MAS_FDAI1_SyncSAS" - Sync-to-SAS mode enable for the FDAI 1 prop. Integer [0, 1].
- "MAS_FlapjackCockpit_IntLight" - Interior cabin lighting brightness for the Flapjack Command Pod. Any value [0, 1].
- "MAS_Generic_IntLight" - Interior cabin lighting brightness for all interior lighting. Any value [0, 1].
- "MAS_Generic_SpotLight" - Interior cabin lighting brightness for lights named "Spotlight". Any value [0, 1].
- "MAS_KP0110_BackLight" - Interior cabin lighting brightness for the aft lighting in the KP0110 Command Pod. Any value [0, 1].
- "MAS_KP0110_TopLight" - Interior cabin lighting brightness for the upper lighting in the KP0110 Command Pod. Any value [0, 1].
- "MAS_KP0110_TunnelLight" - Interior cabin lighting brightness for the docking tunnel in the KP0110 Command Pod. Any value [0, 1].
- "MAS_Mk13_TunnelLight" - Interior cabin lighting brightness for the docking tunnel in the Mk1-3 Command Pod. Any value [0, 1].
- "MAS_MRK_IntLight" - Interior cabin lighting brightness for the MRK Command Pod. Any value [0, 1].
- "LeftCabin_Light" - Prop cabin lighting brightness. Any value [0, 1].
- "MAS_IMP_Enable" - Instrument enabled indicator for the IMP/Globus prop. Integer [-1, 1].
- "MAS_IMP_Mode" - Mode selector for the IMP/Globus prop. Integer [-1, 1].
- "MAS_IMP_On" - Master power for the IMP/Globus prop. Integer [0, 1].
- "MAS_IMP_Validation" - Mode validation variable for the IMP/Globus prop. Integer 0, 1, 2, or 4.
- "MAS_Xpointer_Mode" - Mode selector for the X-Pointer prop. Integer [0, 2].
- "MAS_Xpointer_Scale" - Scale selector for the X-Pointer prop. Integer [-1, 1].
- "RESOURCE_DISP_MODE" - Selects a display mode for ?? prop. Set by MAS_swRotary_6pos_ResourceDisplayMode. Integer [0, 5]
- "RightCabin_Light" - Prop cabin lighting brightness. Any value [0, 1].
- "GAUGE_RES_MODE" - Controls whether the resource displays MAS_Resource_Display and the NASA double-gauge panels report total resources or stage resources.
- "SwitchMFDtoDriveScreen" - Toggle a display mode between MFD and DRIVE. Integer [0, 1]. TODO: What is this connected to?
- "Tunnel_Light" - Prop cabin lighting brightness. Any value [0, 1].
- "TWR_MODE" - Determines if the TWR prop MAS_TWR_Indicator reports current TWR or max TWR. Integer [0, 1].
- "UpperCabin_Light" - Prop cabin lighting brightness. Any value [0, 1].
I'm working on the Electric Output gauge which uses a persistent variable set in a knob or selector switch to determine which source of power to measure.
I submit "MAS_PowerOutput_Select" - Electric Output Prop electric source selector.
These are all for the DriveDisplay and PitchRollDisplay in the ERS Rover mod. "ERSHUD_Compass" - Unknown use. Integer [0, 1]. "ERSHUD_Orientation" - Unknown use. Integer [0, 1]. "SwitchMFDtoDriveScreen" - Toggle a display mode between MFD and DRIVE. Integer [0, 1]. TODO: What is this connected to?
I'm working on subbmitting these props (as well as in a PR... I've changed the names to a moar fitting MAS-specific name (removing the "ERS" reference.
Are these persistent variable names hard-coded in MAS, or is it a simple matter of renaming in the appropriate prop cfgs?
Associated props are:
(not incl. in MAS yet...these are what will be in my PR)
- DriveDisplay
- PitchRollDisplay
- MAS_pb_PitchRoll_Display
- MAS_pb versions of the two Switch_v1's below
(ARE incl. in MAS already)
- MAS_Switch_v1_ERSHUD_Compass
- MAS_Switch_v1_ERSHUD_Orientation
- MAS_Tablo_Alarm_ERS_MasterAlarm (I have no idea what this prop is supposed to indicate?)