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Analysis of high resolution clinical data for COVID-19 patients


Analysis of high resolution clinical data for COVID-19 patients could significantly impact guidelines around optimal treatment. Due to significant administrative challenges in sharing de-identified clinical data, we have created a repository for performing federated analysis of COVID-19 patients. The idea is simple: reformat your data into our proposed 10-15 views, and you'll be able to leverage all analysis code in this repository. We are actively seeking collaborators to expand the scope of the analysis to more patients!


The organization is as follows:

  • sql - The SQL folder has local scripts for each dataset which convert.
    • mimic-iii - MIMIC-III is a publicly accessible critical care database. Though MIMIC-III does not contain information on patients with COVID-19, its highly accessible nature makes it useful for prototyping. The MIMIC-III Clinical Database Demo is openly available and can be used to better understand the queries and ultimate data structure.
    • mimic-iv - MIMIC-IV is a non-public update to MIMIC-III which contains more recent information.
  • data - A placeholder folder to contain harmonized datasets. Analysis code assumes data is present in this folder.
  • notebooks - Jupyter notebooks which contain end-to-end analyses of COVID-19 data.

Table structure

In order to facilitate shared analysis, we have defined a common set of views/tables.

The table structure is a work in progress.

Table Content
cohort Defines stay_id, a single ICU stay.
vitalsign Glasgow coma scale measures.
gcs Glasgow coma scale measures.
rass Richmond Sedation Agitation Scale measurements
oxygen_delivery Information regarding supplemental oxygen delivery
ventilator_setting Measurements and settings associated with non-invasive and invasive mechanical ventilation
vitalsign Nurse validated vital sign measurements
vasopressor Administration and dose of intravenous vasopressors
bg Blood gas measurements
cbc Counts of the number of blood cells and related measures.
differential Detailed differential counts of white blood cells
red cell morphology Morphology of red blood cells
coagulation Measures of blood coagulation
chemistry Electrolyte and protein counts
enzymes Enzymes concentrations and bilirubin concentration
cardiac_markers Markers of cardiac function or injury
inflammation_measures Measures of inflammation

Detailed tables


Must create a stay_id, intime, outtime triplet to assign a unique stay in the ICU for each patient. subject_id should uniquely define the patient.

Charted data

Vital signs
Column Data type Unit of measure Description
subject_id Integer N/A Patient identifier.
charttime Timestamp N/A Time at which the charted event was valid.
heart_rate NUMERIC Beats per minute Number of heart beats per minute.
sbp NUMERIC mmHg Systolic blood pressure.
dbp NUMERIC mmHg Diastolic blood pressure.
mbp NUMERIC mmHg Mean blood pressure.
sbp_ni NUMERIC mmHg Non-invasively recorded systolic blood pressure.
dbp_ni NUMERIC mmHg Non-invasively recorded diastolic blood pressure.
mbp_ni NUMERIC mmHg Non-invasively recorded mean blood pressure.
resprate NUMERIC Breaths per minute Respiratory rate.
temperature NUMERIC Degrees Celsius Patient body temperature.
temperature_site NUMERIC N/A Site at which the measurement is taken.
spo2 NUMERIC % (percentage) Peripheral oxygen saturation.
glucose NUMERIC mg/dL Serum glucose measured using a fingerstick.
Column Data type Unit of measure Description
subject_id Integer N/A Patient identifier.
charttime Timestamp N/A Time at which the charted event was valid.
gcs Integer N/A Glasgow coma scale.
gcs_motor Integer N/A
gcs_verbal Integer N/A
gcs_eyes Integer N/A
gcs_unable Integer N/A Unable to assess GCS due to sedation/intubation.
Column Data type Unit of measure Description
subject_id Integer N/A Patient identifier.
stay_id Integer N/A Encounter identifier.
charttime Timestamp N/A Time at which the charted event was valid.
rass Integer N/A Current Richmond Agitation Sedation Scale value
rass_target Integer N/A Desired Richmond Agitation Sedation Scale value
Oxygen Delivery
Column Data type Unit of measure Description
subject_id Integer N/A Patient identifier.
charttime Timestamp N/A Time at which the charted event was valid.
o2_flow Numeric Litres/minute Oxygen flow provided to the patient.
o2_flow_additional Numeric Litres/minute Additional oxygen flow provided by one or more secondary devices.
o2_delivery_device_1 Numeric N/A Primary oxygen delivery device.
o2_delivery_device_2 Numeric N/A Secondary oxygen delivery device.
o2_delivery_device_3 Numeric N/A Tertiary oxygen delivery device.
o2_delivery_device_4 Numeric N/A Quartenary oxygen delivery device.
Ventilator Setting
Column Data type Unit of measure Description
subject_id Integer N/A Patient identifier.
charttime Timestamp N/A Time at which the charted event was valid.
respiratory_rate_set Numeric Breaths/min Breathing rate set by the ventilator
respiratory_rate_spontaneous Numeric Breaths/min Breathing rate occuring above the set rate
respiratory_rate_total Numeric Breaths/min Actual breathing rate
minute_volume Numeric L/min Litres of air inspired per minute
tidal_volume_set Numeric mL Tidal volume set by the ventilator
tidal_volume_observed Numeric mL Observed tidal volume
tidal_volume_spontaneous Numeric mL Tidal volume of spontaneous breaths over the ventilator
plateau_pressure Numeric cm H2O Maximum pressure observed in the lungs
peep Numeric cm H2O Positive end expiratory pressure
fio2 Numeric Proportion Fraction of inspired oxygen in the air
ventilator_mode String N/A Mode of ventilation (assist control, etc)
ventilator_mode_hamilton String N/A Special mode settings for Hamilton brand ventilators
ventilator_type String N/A Type of ventilator used


Blood gases

Laboratory measures from patients with the time of blood collection and the time at which the result was available.

Column Data type Unit of measure Description
subject_id Integer N/A Patient identifier.
charttime Timestamp N/A Time at which the specimen was drawn from the patient.
specimen_id Integer N/A Unique identifier for the specimen drawn from the patient which the measurements are derived from.
Temperature Numeric
so2 Numeric
pO2 Numeric
pCO2 Numeric
pH Numeric
aado2 Numeric
pafi Numeric
calTCO2 Numeric
Base Excess Numeric
hematocrit Numeric
hemoglobin Numeric
carboxyhemoglobin Numeric
methemoglobin Numeric
chloride Numeric
calcium Numeric
potassium Numeric
sodium Numeric
lactate Numeric
glucose Numeric
Column Data type Unit of measure Description
subject_id Integer N/A Patient identifier.
charttime Timestamp N/A Time at which the specimen was drawn from the patient.
specimen_id Integer N/A Unique identifier for the specimen drawn from the patient which the measurements are derived from.
hct Numeric % Hematocrit
hgb Numeric g/dL Hemoglobin
mch Numeric pg Mean corpuscular hemoglobin
mchc Numeric g/dL Mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration
mcv Numeric fL Mean corpuscular volume
platelets Numeric K/uL Platelet count
rbc Numeric m/uL Red blood cells
rdw Numeric % Red blood cell distribution width
rdwsd Numeric fL Red blood cell distribution width standard deviation
wbc Numeric K/uL White blood cell count
Column Data type Unit of measure Description
subject_id Integer N/A Patient identifier.
charttime Timestamp N/A Time at which the specimen was drawn from the patient.
specimen_id Integer N/A Unique identifier for the specimen drawn from the patient which the measurements are derived from.
specimen_type Text
abs_basophils Numeric K/uL Absolute Basophil Count
abs_eosinophils Numeric K/uL Absolute Eosinophil Count
abs_lymphocytes Numeric K/uL Absolute Lymphocyte Count
abs_monocytes Numeric K/uL Absolute Monocyte Count
abs_neutrophils Numeric K/uL Absolute Neutrophil Count
atyps Numeric % Atypical Lymphocytes
bands Numeric % Immature Band Forms
imm_granulocytes Numeric % Immature Granulocytes
metas Numeric % Metamyelocytes
nrbc Numeric % Nucleated Red Blood Cells
Column Data type Unit of measure Description
subject_id Integer N/A Patient identifier.
charttime Timestamp N/A Time at which the specimen was drawn from the patient.
specimen_id Integer N/A Unique identifier for the specimen drawn from the patient which the measurements are derived from.
rbc morph Numeric
poiklo Numeric
polychr Numeric
ovalocy Numeric
target Numeric
cshisto Numeric
echino Numeric
Column Data type Unit of measure Description
subject_id Integer N/A Patient identifier.
charttime Timestamp N/A Time at which the specimen was drawn from the patient.
specimen_id Integer N/A Unique identifier for the specimen drawn from the patient which the measurements are derived from.
d_dimer Numeric ng/mL FEU D-Dimer
fibrinogen Numeric mg/dL Fibrinogen, Functional
thrombin Numeric sec Thrombin Time
inr Numeric N/A (ratio) International Normalized Ratio
pt Numeric sec Prothrombin Time
ptt Numeric sec Partial Thromboplastin Time
Column Data type Unit of measure Description
subject_id Integer N/A Patient identifier.
charttime Timestamp N/A Time at which the specimen was drawn from the patient.
specimen_id Integer N/A Unique identifier for the specimen drawn from the patient which the measurements are derived from.
Albumin Numeric g/dL
Globulin Numeric g/dL
total_protein Numeric g/dL
aniongap Numeric mEq/L
bicarbonate Numeric mEq/L
bun Numeric mg/dL
calcium Numeric mg/dL
chloride Numeric mEq/L
creatinine Numeric mg/dL
glucose Numeric mg/dL
sodium Numeric mEq/L
potassium Numeric mEq/L
Enzymes (and Bilirubin)
Column Data type Unit of measure Description
subject_id Integer N/A Patient identifier.
charttime Timestamp N/A Time at which the specimen was drawn from the patient.
specimen_id Integer N/A Unique identifier for the specimen drawn from the patient which the measurements are derived from.
alt Numeric Alanine Aminotransferase
alkphos Numeric Alkaline Phosphatase
ast Numeric Asparate Aminotransferase
amylase Numeric Amylase
bilirubin_total Numeric Total Bilirubin (direct + indirect)
bilirubin_direct Numeric Direct Bilirubin
bilirubin_indirect Numeric Indirect Bilirubin
ck_cpk Numeric Creatinine Kinase
ld_ldh Numeric Lactate Dehydronase.
Cardiac Markers
Column Data type Unit of measure Description
subject_id Integer N/A Patient identifier.
charttime Timestamp N/A Time at which the specimen was drawn from the patient.
specimen_id Integer N/A Unique identifier for the specimen drawn from the patient which the measurements are derived from.
troponin_i Numeric Troponin I
troponin_i_poc Numeric Troponin I, Point of Care test
troponin_t Numeric Tropinin T
ck_mb Numeric Creatinine Kinase, MB Isoenzyme
Inflammation measures
Column Data type Unit of measure Description
subject_id Integer N/A Patient identifier.
charttime Timestamp N/A Time at which the specimen was drawn from the patient.
specimen_id Integer N/A Unique identifier for the specimen drawn from the patient which the measurements are derived from.
crp Numeric C-reactive Protein
crp_high_sens Numeric C-reactive Protein, high sensitivity assay
il6 Numeric Interleukin-6 (send out)
procalcitonin Numeric Procalcitonin
  • ferritin
  • ggt
  • transaminase
  • 5ntd
  • ceruloplasmin
  • alpha-fetoprotein