readability-redux copied to clipboard
Wonky Alt+Tab Behavior
I use Alt+R as the keyboard shortcut for readability-redux. (don't remember what the default was). The extension gets inadvertently activated, replicated thus in Chrome 7.0.517.17 dev on Windows Vista x86_32:
- Use Alt+Tab to navigate to a chrome window.
- With focus anywhere on the page (other than Omnibar, Nav/Extension bar or Bookmarks Toolbar), hit just "R" (not assigned Alt+R shortcut) on keyboard.
- The readability script is triggered, causing a page refresh. Obviously, this is especially painful while typing something in a textbox (which is lost) or on a login session.
I was able to reproduce this behavior with a bunch of Alt+
Google Chrome 7.0.517.17 (Official Build 60429) dev WebKit 534.7 V8 User Agent Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.0; en-US) AppleWebKit/534.7 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/7.0.517.17 Safari/534.7 Command Line "C:\Users\Varun\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" --purge-memory-button
Same problem here, except I'm using Google Chrome 10 on Ubuntu GNU/Linux.
There seems to be no interaction with Alt+TAB, rather with text input fields
featuring autocompletion (e.g., the "new issue" page on a project): I have the readability redux shortcut on
Alt+A but the readability script is triggered by pressing just A