ESP32-MINI-KIT copied to clipboard
This kit is based on esp-wroom-32
when i upload the sketch into board it gives the following error; v3.0-dev Serial port /dev/cu.usbmodem52870179151 Connecting........_ Chip is ESP32-D0WDQ6 (revision 1) Features: WiFi, BT, Dual Core, 240MHz, VRef...
Recently, I tried to connect the mini board to a Raspberry Pi via 3.3, GND, Rx and Tx but was not successful, however, I was able to do so with...
I noticed that the Npn wiring in the schematic was different from other esp32 schematics that I have seen. when I tested the connections with a miniKit that I purchased...
Hello, do you happen to have a footprint for eagle of this board?
While flashing bin file for WiFi penetration tester , it just got fcked and not working anymore . I want to do a factory reset now but there isn't any...
When powering the the the blue and the red led both glows continuously .