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Lumberjack - a customisable and extensible file/console logger (with optional Timber support)

Lumberjack Release

What does it do?

A simple logger for JackWhartons Timber logging library (v4!) with following features:

  • trees for:
    • logging to console (with the ability to add clickable links to the calling line in the calling class)
    • files (one file per day, select between numbered log file names or date based log file names)
  • customise each tree to whatever you want or extend them or add your own tree
  • little utility class to log time and laps (the T class)
  • by default, this library will create tags if no custom tag is provided like "[CLASSNAME:LINE] FUNCTION" e.g. [MainActivity:32 onCreate]: Some log
  • feedback module that contains extension functions for L to send feedback or to show a notification that will send a feedback on click:
    • L.sendFeedback()... sends a feedback via IntentChooser with an optional files appended
  • notification module that contains functions to show info/error notifications
  • viewer module that contains an activity to show a log file with filter functions

All features are splitted into separate modules, just include the modules you want to use!

Gradle (via

  1. add jitpack to your project's build.gradle:
repositories {
    maven { url "" }
  1. add the compile statement to your module's build.gradle:
dependencies {
    // base module (NECESSARY)
	implementation 'com.github.MFlisar.Lumberjack:lumberjack-library:<LATEST-VERSION>'
    // modules (OPTIONAL)
    implementation 'com.github.MFlisar.Lumberjack:lumberjack-filelogger:<LATEST-VERSION>'
    implementation 'com.github.MFlisar.Lumberjack:lumberjack-feedback:<LATEST-VERSION>'
    implementation 'com.github.MFlisar.Lumberjack:lumberjack-notification:<LATEST-VERSION>'
    implementation 'com.github.MFlisar.Lumberjack:lumberjack-viewer:<LATEST-VERSION>'


Once in your app do following:

// simply console logger

// if desired, disable all logging in release
// L.enabled = Build.DEBUG
Module filelogger
// a file logger (optional)
// here you can setup a date file or a number file file logger - all variables like folder, filename, extension, file to keep and so on can be customised
// when creating the setup
// following default setup keeps log files for 7 days and creates a new file each day and names them "log_YYYYmmdd.log" by default
val fileLoggingSetup = FileLoggingSetup.DateFiles(context) 
Module feedback
// send feedback with the log file appended (chooser to select a mail will be opened, no internet permission needed!)
// mail receiver is optional, it defaults to the lumberjack_mail_receiver resource string so its fine if you instead of providing the mail address here
// you simply set the resource string to your mail address instead
L.sendFeedback(context, fileLoggingSetup, "[email protected]")
Module notification
// show a crash notifcation - on notification click the user can send a feedback mail including the log file
L.showCrashNotification(context, logFile /* may be null */, "[email protected]", R.mipmap.ic_launcher, "NotificationChannelID", 1234 /* notification id */)

// show a notification to allow the user the report some interesting internal proplems
L.showCrashNotification(context, fileLoggingSetup, "[email protected]", R.mipmap.ic_launcher, "NotificationChannelID", 1234 /* notification id */)

// show an information notification to the user (or for dev purposes)
L.showInfoNotification(context, "NotificationChannelID", 1234 /* notification id */, "Notification Title", "Notification Text", R.mipmap.ic_launcher)

// as above, but on notification click it will open the log viewer showing the provided log file
L.showInfoNotification(context, logFile, "NotificationChannelID", 1234 /* notification id */, "Notification Title", "Notification Text", R.mipmap.ic_launcher)
Module viewer
// show the log viewer activity (mail address is optional, if it's null, the send mail entry will be removed from the viewers menu)
L.showLog(context, fileLoggingSetup, "[email protected]")


Check out the demo to see more

Example - LOGGING

The logger is simply used like following:

// this simply logs a message
L.d { "Simpe log" }
// simply log with custom tag
L.tag("CUSTOM-TAG").d { "Some message with a tag" }
// Log and only run log code based on a function / boolean flag
L.logIf { true }?.d { "Is logged, as flag is true" }
L.logIf { someFunction() }?.d { "Is logged and only executed if someFunction returns true" }

If used with logIf the expression is only executed if logIf returns true so it's save to keep all the logging lines in production code.

Example - OUTPUT

[MainActivity:26 onCreate]: Main activity created (MainActivity.kt:26)
[MainActivity:27 onCreate]: Test message - count: 0 (MainActivity.kt:27)
[MainActivity:28 onCreate]: Test error (MainActivity.kt:28)
    java.lang.Throwable: ERROR
        at com.michaelflisar.lumberjack.demo.MainActivity.onCreate(MainActivity.kt:28)
        at Source:0)
        at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
        at android.os.Looper.loop(
        at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)