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Pain Points of Tedana Meta-Issue
We'll list common points of frustration or confusion here ahead of our hackathon
Running List
- [ ] How to run
- [x] How to run from the fMRIPrep working directory
- [ ] How to run from AFNI proc
- [ ] How to incorporate fieldmap corrections appropriately
- [ ] Memory issues in running tedana
- [ ] Changing the default PCA denoising ?
- [ ] Debug PCA denoising
- [ ] Have a look at the elbow code for its PCA application
- [ ] Get a general background of the ME maths related to the code
- [ ] using tedana after/with other software (SPM comes to mind)
- [ ] degrees of freedom after tedana
- [ ] using tedana regressors seperately
@handwerkerd anything missing?
- [ ] How to figure out if denoising ran correctly (i.e. easy summary stats)
- [ ] How to figure out what can be run better, if the summary stats show an issue
- [ ] How to decide which options to use
- [ ] How to denoise across multiple runs during one session, across sessions/subjects
- [ ] What steps to do before vs after denoising (i.e motion & distortion corrections)
- [ ] Integrating recorded respiratory and physiological information into multi-echo denoising
As post-tedana steps are developled (#344) I imagine they will add an additional, but user-desired, level of complexity so
- [ ] How to use knowledge (motion estimates, maps) for component refinement
I'm actually going to break the mold and add a developer point of frustration:
- [ ] Running and modifying tests
An additional one related to figures,
- [ ] check orientation of brain/acquisition when making multiplanar cuts - rotate to normal.
Sometimes with R-L acquisitions the brain is flipped on its side, coronal isn't coronal, etc - That just adds a bit of frustration (and possible confusion) when inspecting output. May be an easy fix...
And thought of another thing: the errors that pop up during running (not due credit, we know about that...). maybe these are environment specific, but they always worry me...
- [ ] runtimes errors that cause confusion and concern
some examples:
DeprecationWarning: sklearn.externals.joblib is deprecated in 0.21 and will be removed in 0.23.
Please import this functionality directly from joblib, which can be installed with: pip install joblib. If
this warning is raised when loading pickled models, you may need to re-serialize those models with
scikit-learn 0.21+.
RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in true_divide
F_S0 = (alpha - SSE_S0) * (n_echos - 1) / (SSE_S0)
INFO:tedana.metrics.kundu_fit:Performing spatial clustering of components
INFO:tedana.selection.tedica:Performing ICA component selection with Kundu decision tree v2.5
/home/stone-ext4/logan/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/tedana/selection/tedica.py:244: RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in double_scalars
np.min(comptable.loc[acc_prov, 'variance explained'])))
@dowdlelt FYI we've discussed a little bit about duecredit specifically in the now-closed #196. @tsalo at some point added the note that it doesn't impact package functionality.
yeah, duecredit doesn't bother me at all, because it has the note and such - it is the other warnings while the package is running that are a bit more confusing. If users see problems in output, have trouble running, etc - then it would be natural for them to assume that these problems could be coming from the issues they see during code execution.
Ack, sorry, I misread the above. I agree that we should fix the other warnings.
- [ ] Add a check on volumes and TE input order
This has been untouched for three years now. Can we update our pain points (I assume at least some have been addressed) and break this up into separate issues?
I think we have either addressed or opened separate issues for each of the pain points brought up in this issue, so I'm going to close it.