Elon-Doge-Trader icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
Elon-Doge-Trader copied to clipboard

Buys dogecoin if Elon Musk tweets about it, and sell it in minutes

Elon Doge and Shiba telegram Trading bot

Trading bot that buys Dogecoin and Shiba when Elon Musk tweets about it and sell it in minutes. The bot comunicates with you via telegram.


When Elon tweets mentioning the Doge coin like this:

App Screenshot

Then the bot buys, in this case the bot buys in this position (blue arrow):

App Screenshot

One more example:

App Screenshot

Tech Stack

Server: NodeJS


Create a new .env file based on env.default on the root folder and set up your credentials on it, then you are ready to launch the bot

  npm install
  npm start

Env variables

Environment Key Description Sample Value
BINANCE_API_KEY Binance API key (from Binance)
BINANCE_API_SECRET Binance API secret (from Binance)
TWIITER_CONSUMER_KEY Twitter consumer key (from Twitter Developers)
TWITTER_CONSUMER_SECRET Twitter consumer secret (from Twitter Developers)
TWITTER_ACCESS_TOKEN Twitter access token (from Twitter Developers)
TWITTER_ACCESS_SECRET Twitter access secret (from Twitter Developers)
TELEGRAM_TOKEN Token of telegram bot Get token
TELEGRAM_CHATID Telegram chat ID Get chatId
MINUTES_TO_SELL Minutes to wait before sell the bought tokens Default: 3
PAIR_COIN Pair coin to trade with Default: USDT
NOTIFY_ALL_TWEETS Set true if want to get notified of all Elon Musk Tweets Default: false
TRADE_ENABLED Set if you want the bot to be able to trade Default: true
ALLOW_REPLIES Set true if you want to handle Elon replies Default: false


Contributions are always welcome!



This bot not guarantees any profit, use it at your own risk.

Support the project

DOGE: DSyvf6DCbCuZ9mpBgehgc1f9ZzPujyUYgD

SHIBA: 0x461f7f78283ea685a704948c1f951666ec37ea05

Binance referal link: https://www.binance.com/en/register?ref=16168835