Results 168 comments of MCMicS

Sorry for delay. I will look at this as soon as possible

Sorry for the delay: Which Jenkins Version to you use? Because Jenkins says: > Beginning with Jenkins 2.214 and Jenkins LTS 2.222.1, the "Enable Security" checkbox has been removed. Jenkins...

@luis-alves It is not possible to use an authentification provider within jenkins? For security reason it is bette to use authetificated users. API token are currently available for users. There...

What mean finished jobs ans last run? Would you see only jobs jobs which are started from ur ide? And what are None jobs? Could you provide an image of...

Ok I understand the issue (I think) You want to show the last result for running builds. IS an tooltip with something like following message ok for your needs: `4...

Open the sidebar is possible currently. Without hovering i think it is misleading to show another green state for last running. So if a modal dialog is open it could...

I'll think about that to get a good ux for this. Maybe a second status bar for this purpose only

Sound great will have a look at this. But not for Next release I guess

Is it needed to configure the behaviour? I would suggest to open the Blue Ocen View if Blue Ocean is Available. The API delivers the correct URLs as field `displayURL`...

It returns the displayUrl with normal api all You can try with > JenkinsUrlViewOrJob/api/json Sample: yourJenkins/job/ExtensibleChoiceParameter/api/json?tree=actions[displayUrl,testsUrl,changesUrl],lastBuild[actions[displayUrl,testsUrl,changesUrl]] Then you can find the urls I have to extend our requested fields but...