Results 168 comments of MCMicS

Can you share part of your proxy settings? Do you modify headers or simply use `proxy_pass` or any header modification? What plugins are installed on jenkins. maybe something like

thanks for this i try to setup this. and yes it looks like removing existing `Authorization` header. so jenkins wiull not know the auth which is configured in IDE I...

@MerlinFTW Your Api token not works anymore? if it is please file a new issue. This issue is about credentials in url for infront proxy for example But API toekn...

Yes please. It seems than not belong to credentials in url

Hi Yes but not as fisrt enhancement planned but i look how much time it will take to implement. In last release we use the IDE proxy settings for proxies....

Yes sound similar. i can evaluate if it possible to add this in one of next releases

Hi @luis-alves Can you provide a screenshot from you Jenkins landing page? Is there a logged-in user after you redirected from you VPN and proxy to jenkins? It is possible...

Hi @luis-alves Jenkins recommend to use Token based for script (see I've not found any solution except following: 1. Allow only GET calls to list project. But then some...

@doukhahmed Please do not post same questions twice; Answer found at: