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[ICCV 2021] MultiSports: A Multi-Person Video Dataset of Spatio-Temporally Localized Sports Actions


We will release our baseline codes and models soon.

Paper: MultiSports: A Multi-Person Video Dataset of Spatio-Temporally Localized Sports Actions

Homepage: DeeperAction/MultiSports

Download Data and Annotations

Please register on our competition page, and download data and annotations in the Participate/Data part.

MultiSports Dataset License: CC BY_NC 4.0

Download Person Boxes

We provide the person boxes generated by the person detector of Faster R-CNN with a ResNeXt-101-FPN backbone in the links below. We finetune the person detector only with the train set data.


Baidu Wangpan: (password: 5ccx)

The pkl file has the below data structure:

{"video_name, frame_number":boxes}

video_name: str

frame_number: int (starts from 1)

boxes: a numpy array with n rows and 5 columns, <x1> <y1> <x2> <y2> <score>. x1, x2, y1, y2 are normalized with respect to frame size, which are between 0.0-1.0. We only save the box with score higher than 0.05.

Evaluation Tools is our evaluation code, which is modified from ACT( We change the calculation of PR (Precision-Recall) area same with PASCAL VOC.

python3 task gt_file detection_file -t thr

evaluate frameAP:
python3 frameAP multisports_GT.pkl frame_detections.pkl
evaluate videoAP:
python3 videoAP multisports_GT.pkl video_detections.pkl -t 0.2
evaluate videoAP with different thresholds:
python3 videoAP_all multisports_GT.pkl video_detections.pkl
analyze videoAP error:
python3 videoAP_error multisports_GT.pkl video_detections.pkl -t 0.2

frame_detections.pkl is a list. Every item is a numpy array with shape (8,) , numpy.array([video_index, frame_number, label_index, score, x1, y1, x2, y2]). video_index is the index of the video in the multisports_GT['test_videos'][0], which starts from 0. For example, 0 is the index of 'aerobic_gymnastics/v_crsi07chcV8_c004' in multisports_GT['test_videos'][0]. frame_number starts from 1. label_index starts from 0. score is the score of this box, which affects the frame mAP result.

video_detections.pkl is a dictionary that associates from each index of label (start from 0), a list of tubes. A tube is a tuple (tube_v, tube_score, tube_boxes). tube_v is the video name, such as 'aerobic_gymnastics/v_crsi07chcV8_c004'. tube_score is the score of this tube, which affects the video mAP result. tube_boxes is a numpy array with tube-length rows and 6 columns, every row is [frame number, x1, y1, x2, y2, box_score]. frame number starts from 1. box_score is the single frame's confidence and does not affect the video mAP result.

We provide examples of frame_detections.pkl and video_detections.pkl of slowonly in examples, whose evaluation results with different PR area calculation are shown below.

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]
PR_ACT 16.84 15.75 5.84
PR_PASCAL_VOC 17.03 15.86 5.88

If you find our code or paper useful, please cite as

  title={MultiSports: A Multi-Person Video Dataset of Spatio-Temporally Localized Sports Actions},
  author={Li, Yixuan and Chen, Lei and He, Runyu and Wang, Zhenzhi and Wu, Gangshan and Wang, Limin},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2105.07404},