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MCBE Essentials is a collection of tools for Minecraft Bedrock Edition developers intended to make life easier!

MCBE Essentials

MCBE Essentials is a collection of Web Tools built for Minecraft Bedrock Edition.


This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. To view a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, PO Box 1866, Mountain View, CA 94042, USA.


Each app has been classified below. Italicized apps no longer recieve feature updates.

Editors Generators Visualizers Converters
World Packager Shape Coordinate Generator Trade Table Previewer Structure to Function
Trade Table Editor GiveNBT Generator Recipe Previewer
Dialogue Editor Selector Generator Server Log to Graph
Structure Editor Camera Movement Generator
Legacy Structure Editor Tellraw Generator
Loot Tabler Loopr
Loopr Docs
Instant Pack
World Generator

Global code

Certain files are applied across the entire site for easy editing and consistency.

  • js/datahandler.js
  • js/bridge-connect.js
  • navtop.html
  • navleft.html
  • minecraft-ui.css
  • script.js
  • style.css


These files get used in multiple places depending on which apps need them.

  • leveldat.js - Utilities for interacting with NBT data, parsed from pnbt.js
  • pnbt.js - Library for reading and parsing NBT data.
  • filesaver.js - Code to download File objects to the viewer's device. Also appended when js/datahandler.js is used.
  • jszip.js - Creates and edits .zip files
  • item/ - The files in this folder control the item engine, which renders Minecraft items across the entire website


  • nbt.js - Parses NBT data, but cannot write it
  • nbt2.js - An alternate version of nbt.js that has support for reading past the bedrock.dat level header

External Resources

List coming soon!


The stable release is available at

The nightly build is available at but is only accesible if you have entered dev mode on the site. Features on the nightly build may not fully work.

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