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Predicting Amsterdam house / real estate prices using Ordinary Least Squares-, XGBoost-, KNN-, Lasso-, Ridge-, Polynomial-, Random Forest-, and Neural Network MLP Regression (via scikit-learn)
Predicting Amsterdam house / real estate prices using Ordinary Least Squares-, XGBoost-, KNN-, Lasso-, Ridge-, Polynomial-, Random Forest-, and Neural Network MLP Regression (via scikit-learn)
- load Pandas DataFrame containing (Dec-17) housing data retrieved by means of the following scraper, supplemented with longitude and latitude coordinates mapped to zip code (via GeoPy
- do some simple data exploration / visualisation
- remove non-numeric data, NaNs, and outliers (everything above 3 x standard dev of y)
- define explanatory variables (surface,latitude,and longitude) and independent variable (price EUR)
- split the data in train and test sets (+ normalise independent variables where required)
- find the optimal model parameters using scikit-learn's GridSearchCV
- fit the model using GridSearchCV's optimal parameters
- evaluate estimator performance by means of 5 fold 'shuffled' nested cross-validation
- predict cross validated estimates of y for each data point and plot on scatter diagram vs true y
Packages required
Scores (5 fold nested 'shuffled'cross-validation - Rsquared)
1. XGBoost Regression
- Parameters: max_depth: 5, min_child_weight: 6, gamma: 0.01, colsample_bytree: 1, subsample: 0.7
- Score: 0.887
2. Random Forest Regression
- Parameters: max_depth: 6, max_feat: None, n_estimators: 10
- Score: 0.839
3. Polynomial Regression
- Parameters: degrees: 2
- Score: 0.731
4. Neural Network MLP Regression
- Parameters: act: relu, alpha: 0.01, hidden_layer_size: (10,10), learning_rate: invscal
- Score: 0.715
5. KNN Regression
- Parameters: n_neighbours: 10
- Score: 0.711
6. Ordinary Least-Squares Regression
- Parameters: None
- Score: 0.694
7. Ridge Regression
- Parameters: alpha: 0.01
- Score: 0.694
8. Lasso Regression
- Parameters: alpha 0.01
- Score: 0.693
Sample data input (Pandas DataFrame)
surface rooms_new zipcode_new price_new latitude longitude
0 138.0 4.0 1060 420000 40.804672 -73.963420
1 130.0 5.0 1087 550000 52.355590 5.000561
2 116.0 5.0 1061 425000 52.373044 4.837568
3 92.0 5.0 1035 349511 52.416895 4.906767
4 127.0 4.0 1013 1050000 52.396789 4.876607