Marcel Timmerman
Marcel Timmerman
It runs but does not give the previous answer. It misses the imageList information. Besides I have to change things on more than one place, the data for the link...
I've tried something like ``` class GraphQL::Html::QC { class Link { ... } ... } class GraphQL::Html { has GraphQL::Schema $.schema-object; submethod BUILD (...) { ... $!schema-object .= new( GraphQL::Html::QC,...
Sorry wrong button.
Hi Curt, Thanks for your answer. I just misunderstood an example from the docs where you showed an example of a `User` class with only some attributes. The object from...
btw; How does a method know that it was used for reading(`query {...}`) or for writing (`mutation {...}`)? Do I need to specify different methods?
ah, another overlooked thing. I knew that it was possible to do modifications in a query but that it wasn't recommended. Studying your code I see that the schema must...
hi Curt, Thanks for your answer. I've read that too from the spec. But I thought that it would be easier to return the data still in their perl6 context,...
Thank you for mentioning the errors. The version I have now for glib is 2.70.5 and for gtk3 is 3.24.34. The glib docs say for this subroutine that it is...
Yes, you are right. It is an interesting part to implement but I was postponing everything around extending widgets to a later moment until I am confident enough. Now, I...
A benchmark has shown that some way to implement things, made that particular part about 8 times faster. The next step is to implement this method in all modules. There...