ShadowRePlay-Linux copied to clipboard
How to uninstall?
I had errors while installation and want to reinstall it but I am not sure how to uninstall.
Depends 100% on how you installed it, and you haven't given any info on anything. Not the errors, not the method used to install, not what distro you're running, nothing.
Odds are you don't even have to worry about uninstalling though. There's really not that much to this program.
You can reverse the install script by
- disabling and stopping shadowreplay.service if systemd even found it.
- removing shadowreplay.service from ~/.config/systemd/user
- (optional) removing ~/.config/systemd/user if there isn't anything else in there
- removing these lines from ~/.xbindkeysrc
# make F9 save ShadowRePlay replay
"killall --user "$USER" --ignore-case --signal SIGTERM ffmpeg"
# make F10 kill ShadowRePlay
"killall -s1 ffmpeg"
- removing /usr/local/bin/shadowreplay
- (optional) uninstalling ffmpeg and libnotify if they're somehow not required by anything else
- removing ~/.config/shadowreplay
The order of these points doesn't matter, I just read the install script backwards.