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Modified the application name -> Employee-HR-Bot[OABot], Resume-Bot[QABot] and add new applications -> Assessment-Generator[QABot], Interactive-Audiobook[VoiceBot], and Event-Planning-Assistant[QABot]

Open PrajjwalLyzr opened this issue 11 months ago • 2 comments


These 5 application are part of DA program.

Employee-HR-Bot[QABot] - This will help the employee to solve the queries related to the HR department and organizational level. If the employee has any questions regarding HR.

Resume-Bot[QABot] - The app allows users to upload a PDF resume, ask questions related to the resume, and receive automated responses generated by the Lyzr QA bot which uses the RAG functionality.

Assessment-Generator[QABot] - The user can upload any textbook PDF, specify the subject and major topics, and instantly generate 10 insightful questions per topic using an AI-powered QA bot Agent from Lyzr SDK.

Interactive-Audiobook[VoiceBot] - Uses Lyzr's Voice bot agent to convert children's stories into interactive audiobooks. VoiceBot's Text-to-Speech function can narrate the text.

Event-Panning-Assistant[QABot] - This is built on a QABot Agent to answer attendee questions. Attendees could ask questions about schedules, locations, speakers, or logistics and the bot would answer using event information or connect them with organizers.

What: Changed the Application names and added three more applications.
Why: All these applications are part of the DA program. How:

What type of PR is this?

  • [ ] :gift: New feature (non-breaking change which adds functionality)
  • [ ] :bug: Bug fix (non-breaking change which fixes an issue)
  • [ ] :bomb: Breaking change (fix or feature that would cause existing functionality to not work as expected)
  • [ ] :memo: Documentation update
  • [ ] :art: Refactor or style update
  • [ ] :fire: Performance improvements
  • [ ] :white_check_mark: Test
  • [ ] :robot: Build
  • [ ] :repeat: CI, review, release, devops, chore, etc.

Added tests?

  • [ ] :ballot_box_with_check: Yes
  • [ ] :negative_squared_cross_mark: No, and this is why:
  • [ ] :question: No, because I need help.

How can this be tested?

Test A

  • Description:
  • Test Configuration:
  • Test Instructions:
  • Libraries:
  • Expected Result:

[optional] Are there any post-deployment tasks we need to perform?


  • [ ] :sunglasses: My code follows the style guidelines of this project.
  • [ ] :ballot_box_with_check: I have performed a self-review of my code.
  • [ ] :bookmark_tabs: I have commented my code, particularly in hard-to-understand areas.
  • [ ] :bookmark: I have made corresponding changes to the documentation.
  • [ ] :warning: My changes generate no new warnings.
  • [ ] :monocle_face: I have added tests that prove my fix is effective or that my feature works.
  • [ ] :white_check_mark: New and existing unit tests pass locally with my changes.
  • [ ] :link: Any dependent changes have been merged and published in downstream modules.

Required links:

  • Linear Issue:
  • Testing Notebook (Colab):
  • Code Documentation (Confluence):
  • User Documentation (Confluence):


  • Name 1
  • Name 2

PrajjwalLyzr avatar Mar 20 '24 13:03 PrajjwalLyzr

Please review this PR @praveenlyzr @patel-lyzr

PrajjwalLyzr avatar Mar 20 '24 13:03 PrajjwalLyzr

I have added three more applications in this PR.

PrajjwalLyzr avatar Mar 29 '24 11:03 PrajjwalLyzr