Matthias Seiffert

Results 88 comments of Matthias Seiffert

For me this problem only exists the very first time the command prompt is opened. But it is not consistent sometime it works fine the first time too.

Yes please. Rotating would be very useful.

It's not only extremely slow but also has a memory leak. On two strings containing xml it took up 4GB before I canceled.

I'm using: ```rs pub type Input; pub type PResult, O, VerboseError

I can confirm this issue. BTW: PR #304 seems to fix this

@nbfalcon Did you manage to implement this? For me the imenu is not very good to use.

Just a thought as I haven't really tested this. But you could use something like `mkfifo` or `mktemp` for this. Although you would probably have to write a script to...

@mathieucaroff Ups. Yeah sorry the example is bad. But the principle (with mkfifo) works both ways.

Not sure if this was implemented by now. Maybe this should be it's own issue. I found out that if I swipe from right to left it tries to move...