flutterlocation copied to clipboard
serviceEnabled() goes into an infinite loop when User disabling Precise location on IOS
Describe the bug serviceEnabled() goes into an infinite loop when the User disabling Precise location on IOS I tried to clean the project and restart it but still getting the same results Expected behavior If an IOS user disables precise location from the app settings then serviceEnabled() should work fine.
Tested on:
- iOS, Version 15.3.1, real device
Other plugins:
- List of others Flutter plugins that could interfere
adaptive_dialog: ^0.10.0+5
adjust_sdk: ^4.29.1
git: https://github.com/Rart3001/dart_algolia
cached_network_image: ^3.0.0-nullsafety
carousel_slider: ^4.0.0-nullsafety.0
clock: ^1.1.0
collection: ^1.15.0
connectivity_plus: ^2.0.2
cupertino_icons: ^1.0.2
device_info: ^2.0.0
git: https://github.com/zaralockheart/device_proxy
devicelocale: ^0.4.3
diacritic: ^0.1.3
dio: ^4.0.4
email_validator: ^2.0.1
emarsys_sdk: ^1.2.1
enum_to_string: ^2.0.1
equatable: ^2.0.3
faker: ^2.0.0
firebase_analytics: ^9.1.2
firebase_crashlytics: ^2.5.3
firebase_remote_config: ^2.0.2
flash: ^2.0.3
sdk: flutter
flutter_bloc: ^7.2.0
flutter_html: ^2.2.1
flutter_keyboard_visibility: ^5.0.0
sdk: flutter
flutter_rating_bar: ^4.0.0
flutter_secure_storage: ^5.0.2
flutter_slidable: ^0.6.0
flutter_staggered_grid_view: ^0.6.0
flutter_svg: ^0.22.0
flutter_webview_plugin: ^0.4.0
gql_dio_link: ^0.1.0
graphql: ^5.0.0-nullsafety.1+readmefix
hive: ^2.0.4
hive_flutter: ^1.1.0
http: ^0.13.0
internet_connection_checker: ^0.0.1+3
intl: ^0.17.0
kiwi: ^3.0.0
kiwi_generator: ^3.0.1
location: ^4.3.0
logger: ^1.1.0
luhn: ^1.0.1
mask_text_input_formatter: ^2.0.0
modal_bottom_sheet: ^2.0.0
money2: ^2.2.1
package_info: ^2.0.2
path: ^1.8.0
path_provider: ^2.0.1
permission_handler: ^6.0.1
photo_view: ^0.12.0
readmore: ^2.1.0
recase: ^4.0.0
rive: ^0.7.28
scroll_to_index: ^2.0.0
sealed_unions: ^3.0.3+1
share_plus: ^3.1.0
shared_preferences: ^2.0.8
simple_animations: ^3.0.3
string_validator: ^0.3.0
uni_links: ^0.5.1
url_launcher: ^6.0.2
version_banner: ^1.0.0-nullsafety.0
vibration: ^1.7.4-nullsafety.0
webview_flutter: ^2.8.0
youtube_player_iframe: ^2.2.2
Additional logs
There is no any additional logs
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This is actually an issue. How to catch this?