BlendLuxCore icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
BlendLuxCore copied to clipboard

Error Version BlendLuxCore 2.7

Open maljos opened this issue 1 year ago • 4 comments

.blend file:

Steps to reproduce: Only render o preview default scene (cube)

Error message from Blender console:

Scene.DefineBlenderMesh(Scene, str, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, bool, list, list, int, int, list, tuple, list, NoneType)

did not match C++ signature:

DefineBlenderMesh(luxcore::detail::SceneImpl*, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long, boost::python::api::object, boost::python::api::object, unsigned long, unsigned int, boost::python::tuple, boost::python::api::object, boost::python::api::object)

DefineBlenderMesh(luxcore::detail::SceneImpl*, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long, boost::python::api::object, boost::python::api::object, unsigned long, unsigned int, boost::python::api::object, boost::python::tuple, boost::python::api::object, boost::python::api::object)

OS: Linux Manjaro Blender version: 3.6 LuxCore version: 3.7


maljos avatar Jul 01 '23 14:07 maljos

There is a mismatch between the LuxCore library and BlendLuxCore. Please retest with the latest release. Link. Please retest again. This issue is a duplicate of #834

neo2068 avatar Jul 01 '23 14:07 neo2068

Ok thanks

maljos avatar Jul 01 '23 18:07 maljos

Error en preview render. Close app.

  • Registered MESHmachine 0.13.0 with 2 plug libraries • plug library: Examples • plug library: MyPlugs Registered MACHIN3tools 1.5.0 with 21 tools, 1 pie menu BlendLuxCore 2.7beta registered (with pyluxcore 2.6) Updating device list ================================================== [Engine/Viewport] New session [Exporter] Creating session [SDL][27.531] Define ImageMap: NamedObject [SDL][27.531] Camera type: perspective [SDL][27.531] Camera position: Point[4.93234, -2.17855, 2.68522] [SDL][27.531] Camera target: Point[4.11352, -1.81688, 2.23944] [SDL][27.531] Camera clipping plane disabled WARNING: Material "Material": Missing node tree 139938094581512 [SDL][27.533] Material definition: 139938094581512 [SDL][27.533] Scene objects count: 1 [SDL][27.533] Light definition: 139938094915592 [SDL][27.533] Light definition: WORLD_BACKGROUND_LIGHT [LuxCore][27.561] Configuration: [LuxCore][27.561] = 7 [LuxCore][27.561] path.pathdepth.diffuse = 5 [LuxCore][27.561] path.pathdepth.glossy = 5 [LuxCore][27.561] path.pathdepth.specular = 6 [LuxCore][27.561] path.hybridbackforward.enable = 0 [LuxCore][27.561] path.hybridbackforward.partition = 0.8 [LuxCore][27.561] path.hybridbackforward.glossinessthreshold = 0.049 [LuxCore][27.561] rtpathcpu.zoomphase.size = 4 [LuxCore][27.561] rtpathcpu.zoomphase.weight = 0 [LuxCore][27.561] renderengine.type = "RTPATHCPU" [LuxCore][27.561] sampler.type = "RTPATHCPUSAMPLER" [LuxCore][27.561] film.width = 785 [LuxCore][27.561] film.height = 874 [LuxCore][27.561] film.filter.type = "NONE" [LuxCore][27.561] film.filter.width = 1.5 [LuxCore][27.561] lightstrategy.type = "LOG_POWER" [LuxCore][27.561] scene.epsilon.min = 1e-05 [LuxCore][27.561] scene.epsilon.max = 0.1 [LuxCore][27.561] path.albedospecular.type = "REFLECT_TRANSMIT" [LuxCore][27.561] path.albedospecular.glossinessthreshold = 0.05 [LuxCore][27.561] film.opencl.enable = 1 [LuxCore][27.561] film.opencl.device = 1 [LuxCore][27.561] path.forceblackbackground.enable = 0 [LuxCore][27.561] renderengine.seed = 1 [LuxCore][27.561] film.outputs.0.type = "RGB_IMAGEPIPELINE" [LuxCore][27.561] film.outputs.0.index = 0 [LuxCore][27.561] film.outputs.0.filename = "RGB_IMAGEPIPELINE_0.png" [LuxCore][27.561] film.outputs.1.type = "ALBEDO" [LuxCore][27.561] film.outputs.1.filename = "ALBEDO.exr" [LuxCore][27.561] film.imagepipelines.000.0.type = "NOP" [LuxCore][27.561] film.imagepipelines.000.1.type = "TONEMAP_LINEAR" [LuxCore][27.561] film.imagepipelines.000.1.scale = 1 [LuxCore][27.561] film.imagepipelines.000.2.type = "OPTIX_DENOISER" [LuxCore][27.561] film.imagepipelines.000.2.sharpness = 0 [LuxCore][27.561] film.imagepipelines.000.2.minspp = 1 [LuxCore][27.561] film.imagepipelines.000.radiancescales.0.enabled = 1 [LuxCore][27.561] film.imagepipelines.000.radiancescales.0.globalscale = 1 [LuxCore][27.561] film.imagepipelines.000.radiancescales.0.rgbscale = 1 1 1 [LuxCore][27.561] batch.haltspp = 0 0 [LuxCore][27.561] batch.halttime = 0 [LuxCore][27.561] File Name Resolver Configuration: Export took 0.0 s [LuxCore][27.562] Film resolution: 785x874 [SDL][27.562] Film output definition: RGB_IMAGEPIPELINE [image.png] [SDL][27.562] Image pipeline: film.imagepipelines.000 [SDL][27.562] Image pipeline step 0: NOP [SDL][27.562] Image pipeline step 1: TONEMAP_LINEAR [SDL][27.562] Image pipeline step 2: OPTIX_DENOISER [SDL][27.562] Film output definition: RGB_IMAGEPIPELINE [RGB_IMAGEPIPELINE_0.png] [SDL][27.562] Film output definition: ALBEDO [ALBEDO.exr] [LuxRays][27.563] OpenCL support: enabled [LuxRays][27.563] OpenCL Platform 0: NVIDIA CUDA [LuxRays][27.563] CUDA support: enabled [LuxRays][27.563] CUDA support: available [LuxRays][27.563] CUDA driver version: 12.10 [LuxRays][27.563] CUDA device count: 1 [LuxRays][27.563] Optix support: available [LuxRays][27.563] Device 0 name: Native [LuxRays][27.563] Device 0 type: NATIVE_THREAD [LuxRays][27.563] Device 0 compute units: 1 [LuxRays][27.563] Device 0 preferred float vector width: 4 [LuxRays][27.563] Device 0 max allocable memory: 17592186044415MBytes [LuxRays][27.563] Device 0 max allocable memory block size: 17592186044415MBytes [LuxRays][27.563] Device 0 has out of core memory support: 0 [LuxRays][27.563] Device 1 name: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 SUPER [LuxRays][27.563] Device 1 type: OPENCL_GPU [LuxRays][27.563] Device 1 compute units: 22 [LuxRays][27.563] Device 1 preferred float vector width: 1 [LuxRays][27.563] Device 1 max allocable memory: 5935MBytes [LuxRays][27.563] Device 1 max allocable memory block size: 1483MBytes [LuxRays][27.563] Device 1 has out of core memory support: 0 [LuxRays][27.563] Device 2 name: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 SUPER [LuxRays][27.563] Device 2 type: CUDA_GPU [LuxRays][27.563] Device 2 compute units: 64 [LuxRays][27.563] Device 2 preferred float vector width: 1 [LuxRays][27.563] Device 2 max allocable memory: 5935MBytes [LuxRays][27.563] Device 2 max allocable memory block size: 17592186044415MBytes [LuxRays][27.563] Device 2 has out of core memory support: 1 [LuxRays][27.563] Device 2 CUDA compute capability: 7.5 [LuxRays][27.563] Creating 4 intersection device(s) [LuxRays][27.563] Allocating intersection device 0: Native (Type = NATIVE_THREAD) [LuxRays][27.563] Allocating intersection device 1: Native (Type = NATIVE_THREAD) [LuxRays][27.563] Allocating intersection device 2: Native (Type = NATIVE_THREAD) [LuxRays][27.563] Allocating intersection device 3: Native (Type = NATIVE_THREAD) [LuxCore][27.563] Configuring 4 CPU render threads [LuxRays][27.564] Preprocessing DataSet [LuxRays][27.564] Total vertex count: 24 [LuxRays][27.564] Total triangle count: 12 [LuxRays][27.564] Preprocessing DataSet done [LuxRays][27.564] Adding DataSet accelerator: EMBREE [LuxRays][27.564] Total vertex count: 24 [LuxRays][27.564] Total triangle count: 12 [LuxRays][27.565] EmbreeAccel build time: 0ms Writing: /tmp/blender.crash.txt [1] 606376 segmentation fault (core dumped) /mnt/app3d/blender360/blender

maljos avatar Jul 01 '23 19:07 maljos

Same thing for me on MacOS Ventura. I've tried the latest build and 2.7 build for all Blender versions starting from 3.3 to 3.6. Nothing.

leonidaltman avatar Jul 22 '23 12:07 leonidaltman