BlendLuxCore copied to clipboard
Error Version BlendLuxCore 2.7
.blend file:
Steps to reproduce: Only render o preview default scene (cube)
Error message from Blender console:
Scene.DefineBlenderMesh(Scene, str, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, bool, list, list, int, int, list, tuple, list, NoneType)
did not match C++ signature:
DefineBlenderMesh(luxcore::detail::SceneImpl*, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long, boost::python::api::object, boost::python::api::object, unsigned long, unsigned int, boost::python::tuple, boost::python::api::object, boost::python::api::object)
DefineBlenderMesh(luxcore::detail::SceneImpl*, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned long, boost::python::api::object, boost::python::api::object, unsigned long, unsigned int, boost::python::api::object, boost::python::tuple, boost::python::api::object, boost::python::api::object)
OS: Linux Manjaro Blender version: 3.6 LuxCore version: 3.7
There is a mismatch between the LuxCore library and BlendLuxCore. Please retest with the latest release. Link. Please retest again. This issue is a duplicate of #834
Ok thanks
Error en preview render. Close app.
- Registered MESHmachine 0.13.0 with 2 plug libraries • plug library: Examples • plug library: MyPlugs Registered MACHIN3tools 1.5.0 with 21 tools, 1 pie menu BlendLuxCore 2.7beta registered (with pyluxcore 2.6) Updating device list ================================================== [Engine/Viewport] New session [Exporter] Creating session [SDL][27.531] Define ImageMap: NamedObject [SDL][27.531] Camera type: perspective [SDL][27.531] Camera position: Point[4.93234, -2.17855, 2.68522] [SDL][27.531] Camera target: Point[4.11352, -1.81688, 2.23944] [SDL][27.531] Camera clipping plane disabled WARNING: Material "Material": Missing node tree 139938094581512 [SDL][27.533] Material definition: 139938094581512 [SDL][27.533] Scene objects count: 1 [SDL][27.533] Light definition: 139938094915592 [SDL][27.533] Light definition: WORLD_BACKGROUND_LIGHT [LuxCore][27.561] Configuration: [LuxCore][27.561] = 7 [LuxCore][27.561] path.pathdepth.diffuse = 5 [LuxCore][27.561] path.pathdepth.glossy = 5 [LuxCore][27.561] path.pathdepth.specular = 6 [LuxCore][27.561] path.hybridbackforward.enable = 0 [LuxCore][27.561] path.hybridbackforward.partition = 0.8 [LuxCore][27.561] path.hybridbackforward.glossinessthreshold = 0.049 [LuxCore][27.561] rtpathcpu.zoomphase.size = 4 [LuxCore][27.561] rtpathcpu.zoomphase.weight = 0 [LuxCore][27.561] renderengine.type = "RTPATHCPU" [LuxCore][27.561] sampler.type = "RTPATHCPUSAMPLER" [LuxCore][27.561] film.width = 785 [LuxCore][27.561] film.height = 874 [LuxCore][27.561] film.filter.type = "NONE" [LuxCore][27.561] film.filter.width = 1.5 [LuxCore][27.561] lightstrategy.type = "LOG_POWER" [LuxCore][27.561] scene.epsilon.min = 1e-05 [LuxCore][27.561] scene.epsilon.max = 0.1 [LuxCore][27.561] path.albedospecular.type = "REFLECT_TRANSMIT" [LuxCore][27.561] path.albedospecular.glossinessthreshold = 0.05 [LuxCore][27.561] film.opencl.enable = 1 [LuxCore][27.561] film.opencl.device = 1 [LuxCore][27.561] path.forceblackbackground.enable = 0 [LuxCore][27.561] renderengine.seed = 1 [LuxCore][27.561] film.outputs.0.type = "RGB_IMAGEPIPELINE" [LuxCore][27.561] film.outputs.0.index = 0 [LuxCore][27.561] film.outputs.0.filename = "RGB_IMAGEPIPELINE_0.png" [LuxCore][27.561] film.outputs.1.type = "ALBEDO" [LuxCore][27.561] film.outputs.1.filename = "ALBEDO.exr" [LuxCore][27.561] film.imagepipelines.000.0.type = "NOP" [LuxCore][27.561] film.imagepipelines.000.1.type = "TONEMAP_LINEAR" [LuxCore][27.561] film.imagepipelines.000.1.scale = 1 [LuxCore][27.561] film.imagepipelines.000.2.type = "OPTIX_DENOISER" [LuxCore][27.561] film.imagepipelines.000.2.sharpness = 0 [LuxCore][27.561] film.imagepipelines.000.2.minspp = 1 [LuxCore][27.561] film.imagepipelines.000.radiancescales.0.enabled = 1 [LuxCore][27.561] film.imagepipelines.000.radiancescales.0.globalscale = 1 [LuxCore][27.561] film.imagepipelines.000.radiancescales.0.rgbscale = 1 1 1 [LuxCore][27.561] batch.haltspp = 0 0 [LuxCore][27.561] batch.halttime = 0 [LuxCore][27.561] File Name Resolver Configuration: Export took 0.0 s [LuxCore][27.562] Film resolution: 785x874 [SDL][27.562] Film output definition: RGB_IMAGEPIPELINE [image.png] [SDL][27.562] Image pipeline: film.imagepipelines.000 [SDL][27.562] Image pipeline step 0: NOP [SDL][27.562] Image pipeline step 1: TONEMAP_LINEAR [SDL][27.562] Image pipeline step 2: OPTIX_DENOISER [SDL][27.562] Film output definition: RGB_IMAGEPIPELINE [RGB_IMAGEPIPELINE_0.png] [SDL][27.562] Film output definition: ALBEDO [ALBEDO.exr] [LuxRays][27.563] OpenCL support: enabled [LuxRays][27.563] OpenCL Platform 0: NVIDIA CUDA [LuxRays][27.563] CUDA support: enabled [LuxRays][27.563] CUDA support: available [LuxRays][27.563] CUDA driver version: 12.10 [LuxRays][27.563] CUDA device count: 1 [LuxRays][27.563] Optix support: available [LuxRays][27.563] Device 0 name: Native [LuxRays][27.563] Device 0 type: NATIVE_THREAD [LuxRays][27.563] Device 0 compute units: 1 [LuxRays][27.563] Device 0 preferred float vector width: 4 [LuxRays][27.563] Device 0 max allocable memory: 17592186044415MBytes [LuxRays][27.563] Device 0 max allocable memory block size: 17592186044415MBytes [LuxRays][27.563] Device 0 has out of core memory support: 0 [LuxRays][27.563] Device 1 name: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 SUPER [LuxRays][27.563] Device 1 type: OPENCL_GPU [LuxRays][27.563] Device 1 compute units: 22 [LuxRays][27.563] Device 1 preferred float vector width: 1 [LuxRays][27.563] Device 1 max allocable memory: 5935MBytes [LuxRays][27.563] Device 1 max allocable memory block size: 1483MBytes [LuxRays][27.563] Device 1 has out of core memory support: 0 [LuxRays][27.563] Device 2 name: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 SUPER [LuxRays][27.563] Device 2 type: CUDA_GPU [LuxRays][27.563] Device 2 compute units: 64 [LuxRays][27.563] Device 2 preferred float vector width: 1 [LuxRays][27.563] Device 2 max allocable memory: 5935MBytes [LuxRays][27.563] Device 2 max allocable memory block size: 17592186044415MBytes [LuxRays][27.563] Device 2 has out of core memory support: 1 [LuxRays][27.563] Device 2 CUDA compute capability: 7.5 [LuxRays][27.563] Creating 4 intersection device(s) [LuxRays][27.563] Allocating intersection device 0: Native (Type = NATIVE_THREAD) [LuxRays][27.563] Allocating intersection device 1: Native (Type = NATIVE_THREAD) [LuxRays][27.563] Allocating intersection device 2: Native (Type = NATIVE_THREAD) [LuxRays][27.563] Allocating intersection device 3: Native (Type = NATIVE_THREAD) [LuxCore][27.563] Configuring 4 CPU render threads [LuxRays][27.564] Preprocessing DataSet [LuxRays][27.564] Total vertex count: 24 [LuxRays][27.564] Total triangle count: 12 [LuxRays][27.564] Preprocessing DataSet done [LuxRays][27.564] Adding DataSet accelerator: EMBREE [LuxRays][27.564] Total vertex count: 24 [LuxRays][27.564] Total triangle count: 12 [LuxRays][27.565] EmbreeAccel build time: 0ms Writing: /tmp/blender.crash.txt [1] 606376 segmentation fault (core dumped) /mnt/app3d/blender360/blender
Same thing for me on MacOS Ventura. I've tried the latest build and 2.7 build for all Blender versions starting from 3.3 to 3.6. Nothing.