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Future directions for CG iterations
The first 'iteration' of the Python redesign is starting to converge - see #237. In a rough order of chronology and/or complexity, the next steps to be tackled in future PRs are as follows:
To Do - Functionality
- [ ] Implement
def correlate_tensors(
tensor_1: TensorMap,
tensor_2: TensorMap,
angular_cutoff: Optional[int] = None,
selected_keys: Optional[Labels] = None,
) -> TensorMap:
Performs the Clebsch Gordan tensor product of two TensorMaps that correspond
to densities or density correlations. Returns a new TensorMap corresponding
to a higher correlation-order descriptor.
The two input tensors can be single- or multi-center, and of arbitrary (and
different) correlation order, but must contain the same samples.
- [ ] Ensure torch dispatch works and make the CG code torchscript-able (with @Luthaf)
- [ ] Support CG products of gradients (with @PicoCentauri and @Luthaf)
- [ ] Speed up wrapper code (i.e. everything that isn't the tensor product operation). Line profiling shows that the pre-calculation (and caching for subsequent but separate calculations) of the components and properties might be a good place to start (with @frostedoyster)
- [ ] Run systematic benchmarking on sparse vs dense vs sparse w/ Mops. Define when in general it is best to use one over the others, and dynamically change the default based on the input system (with @frostedoyster)
- [ ] Metadata such as "order_nu" should be associated with the TensorMap and not in the keys - awaiting functionality in metatensor
- [ ] Extend to combinations of tensors with different samples (with @DivyaSuman14 and @curiosity54)
- [ ] Later down the line: customizable and arbitrary (non)linear transformations at each iteration (with @agoscinski, thesis dependent)
To Do - Documentation
- [ ] Include concise but complete explanations of sign conventions (i.e. Sph Harms, Condon Shortley, etc) both in reference to the CG cache implemented (i.e. using
) and compared to other rascaline Calculators --> i.e. PowerSpectrum updated to include (-1)^l factor - [ ] Different types of documentation, see https://www.writethedocs.org/videos/eu/2017/the-four-kinds-of-documentation-and-why-you-need-to-understand-what-they-are-daniele-procida/ (thanks @Luthaf ). Particularly important for CGs where there is a lot going on with maths, conventions, and design choices.