EmojiRain copied to clipboard
Implement a simple and funny Android animation —— the emoji rain in WeChat app.
Hii there I am using this wonderful library in several projects. But there is a problem that App crashes in the release build. please help in applying proguard rules of...
貌似和PermissionsDispatcher产生冲突了啊 。。。也看了前面的那个issue,项目里正好要用到这种库,但是却发现不仅要引入rxjava,而且还要搞: apply plugin: 'me.tatarka.retrolambda' apply plugin: 'com.neenbedankt.android-apt' 这个东东。。。。 然后刚引进这个东西PermissionsDispatcher也报错了。。。 手动大哭。T_T !
How i can achieve like animate objects from bottom to top i want animate balloons. thanks
Hello, i loved the project i have a question, is there a way to set the falling animation not go over the button/text while its falling ? like bring to...
I add method `startDrop()` and `stopDrop()` . It used Handler to start animation has frequency. I don't get ImageView in a new Thread, it's not normative. but it works normally....