starter.lvim copied to clipboard
Swenv plugin to switch between vritual environmnts.
{ "AckslD/swenv.nvim",
config = function()
-- Should return a list of tables with a `name` and a `path` entry each.
-- Gets the argument `venvs_path` set below.
-- By default just lists the entries in `venvs_path`.
get_venvs = function(venvs_path)
return require('swenv.api').get_venvs(venvs_path)
-- Path passed to `get_venvs`.
venvs_path = vim.fn.expand('~/venvs'),
-- Something to do after setting an environment
post_set_venv = nil,
lvim.builtin.which_key.mappings["P"] = {
name = "Python",
i = { "<cmd>lua require('swenv.api').pick_venv()<cr>", "Pick Env" },
d = { "<cmd>lua require('swenv.api').get_current_venv()<cr>", "Show Env" },
get_current_venv doesn't work at all pick_venv failed with the error "venvs is not accessible by the current user!"
Did you ever figure out where the "is not accessible by the current user" error comes from?
I'm seeing the same when using the scan_dir from the plenary.nvim library:
"/path/to/journal is not accessible by the current user!"
-- scandir.lua
for i = #base_paths, 1, -1 do
if uv.fs_access(base_paths[i], "X") == false then
if not F.if_nil(opts.silent, false, opts.silent) then
print(string.format("%s is not accessible by the current user!", base_paths[i]))
table.remove(base_paths, i)
Not sure why it happens
SOLVED: in my case it was a wrong path