flag_flutter copied to clipboard
Argentina's flag issue
Throw an error when selecting the AR code.
Confirmed in 6.0.0
is included in flagsCode
found here and continues on here but returns an blank/transparent widget.
======== Exception caught by SVG ===================================================================
The following StateError was thrown resolving a single-frame picture stream:
Bad state: Expected to find Drawable with id url(#d).
Have ids: (url(#flag-icons-ar), url(#c), url(#a), url(#b), url(#h))
When the exception was thrown, this was the stack:
#0 DrawableDefinitionServer.getDrawable (package:flutter_svg/src/vector_drawable.dart:579:7)
#1 _Elements.use (package:flutter_svg/src/svg/parser_state.dart:212:34)
#2 SvgParserState.parse (package:flutter_svg/src/svg/parser_state.dart:885:26)
<asynchronous suspension>
#3 SvgParser.parse (package:flutter_svg/parser.dart:27:12)
<asynchronous suspension>
#4 Svg.fromSvgString (package:flutter_svg/svg.dart:139:12)
<asynchronous suspension>
#5 Svg.svgPictureStringDecoder (package:flutter_svg/svg.dart:90:34)
<asynchronous suspension>
Picture provider: ExactAssetPicture(name: "packages/flag/res/4x3/ar.svg", bundle: null, colorFilter: null)
Picture key: AssetBundlePictureKey(bundle: PlatformAssetBundle#1ddfc(), name: "packages/flag/res/4x3/ar.svg", colorFilter: null, theme: SvgTheme(currentColor: null, fontSize: 14.0, xHeight: 7.0))
Update: It seems multiple countries have issues loading flags.
Scrolling through the list of country codes found here, I see there are some recognized countries whose flags do not show.
- Argentina (ar)
- Dominica (dm)
- Ecuador (ec)
- Grenada (gd)
- Haiti (ht)
- Malta (mt)
- Mexico (mx) [shows error but flag is present]
- Peru (pe) [shows error but flag is present]
- Serbia (rs)
- Sri Lanka (lk)
Console output - sanitized for country codes and error outputs only
I/flutter ( 8564): AF
I/flutter ( 8564): AX
I/flutter ( 8564): AL
I/flutter ( 8564): DZ
I/flutter ( 8564): AS
I/flutter ( 8564): AD
I/flutter ( 8564): AO
I/flutter ( 8564): AI
I/flutter ( 8564): AG
I/flutter ( 8564): AR
I/flutter ( 8564): AM
I/flutter ( 8564): AW
I/flutter ( 8564): AC
I/flutter ( 8564): AU
I/flutter ( 8564): AT
I/flutter ( 8564): AZ
I/flutter ( 8564): BS
I/flutter ( 8564): BH
I/flutter ( 8564): BD
======== Exception caught by SVG ===================================================================
The following StateError was thrown resolving a single-frame picture stream:
Bad state: Expected to find Drawable with id url(#d).
Have ids: (url(#flag-icons-ar), url(#c), url(#a), url(#b), url(#h))
When the exception was thrown, this was the stack:
#0 DrawableDefinitionServer.getDrawable (package:flutter_svg/src/vector_drawable.dart:579:7)
#1 _Elements.use (package:flutter_svg/src/svg/parser_state.dart:212:34)
#2 SvgParserState.parse (package:flutter_svg/src/svg/parser_state.dart:885:26)
<asynchronous suspension>
#3 SvgParser.parse (package:flutter_svg/parser.dart:27:12)
<asynchronous suspension>
#4 Svg.fromSvgString (package:flutter_svg/svg.dart:139:12)
<asynchronous suspension>
#5 Svg.svgPictureStringDecoder (package:flutter_svg/svg.dart:90:34)
<asynchronous suspension>
Picture provider: ExactAssetPicture(name: "packages/flag/res/4x3/ar.svg", bundle: null, colorFilter: null)
Picture key: AssetBundlePictureKey(bundle: PlatformAssetBundle#86ab6(), name: "packages/flag/res/4x3/ar.svg", colorFilter: null, theme: SvgTheme(currentColor: null, fontSize: 14.0, xHeight: 7.0))
I/flutter ( 8564): AF
I/flutter ( 8564): AX
I/flutter ( 8564): AL
I/flutter ( 8564): DZ
I/flutter ( 8564): AS
I/flutter ( 8564): AD
I/flutter ( 8564): AO
I/flutter ( 8564): AI
I/flutter ( 8564): AG
I/flutter ( 8564): AR
I/flutter ( 8564): AM
I/flutter ( 8564): AW
I/flutter ( 8564): AC
I/flutter ( 8564): AU
I/flutter ( 8564): AT
I/flutter ( 8564): AZ
I/flutter ( 8564): BS
I/flutter ( 8564): BH
I/flutter ( 8564): BD
I/flutter ( 8564): BB
I/flutter ( 8564): BY
I/flutter ( 8564): BE
I/flutter ( 8564): BZ
I/flutter ( 8564): BJ
I/flutter ( 8564): BM
I/flutter ( 8564): BT
I/flutter ( 8564): BO
I/flutter ( 8564): BA
I/flutter ( 8564): BW
I/flutter ( 8564): BR
I/flutter ( 8564): IO
I/flutter ( 8564): VG
I/flutter ( 8564): BN
I/flutter ( 8564): BG
I/flutter ( 8564): BF
I/flutter ( 8564): BI
I/flutter ( 8564): KH
I/flutter ( 8564): CM
I/flutter ( 8564): CA
I/flutter ( 8564): CV
I/flutter ( 8564): BQ
I/flutter ( 8564): KY
I/flutter ( 8564): CF
I/flutter ( 8564): TD
I/flutter ( 8564): CL
I/flutter ( 8564): CN
I/flutter ( 8564): CX
I/flutter ( 8564): CC
I/flutter ( 8564): CO
I/flutter ( 8564): KM
I/flutter ( 8564): CD
I/flutter ( 8564): CG
I/flutter ( 8564): CK
I/flutter ( 8564): CR
I/flutter ( 8564): CI
I/flutter ( 8564): HR
I/flutter ( 8564): CU
I/flutter ( 8564): CW
I/flutter ( 8564): CY
I/flutter ( 8564): CZ
I/flutter ( 8564): DK
I/flutter ( 8564): DJ
I/flutter ( 8564): DM
======== Exception caught by SVG ===================================================================
The following FormatException was thrown resolving a single-frame picture stream:
Invalid double
When the exception was thrown, this was the stack:
#0 double.parse (dart:core-patch/double_patch.dart:111:28)
#1 parseDouble (package:flutter_svg/src/utilities/numbers.dart:23:17)
#2 SvgParserState.parseDoubleWithUnits (package:flutter_svg/src/svg/parser_state.dart:1065:27)
#3 SvgParserState.parseStroke (package:flutter_svg/src/svg/parser_state.dart:1357:13)
#4 SvgParserState.parseStyle (package:flutter_svg/src/svg/parser_state.dart:1590:15)
#5 SvgParserState.addShape (package:flutter_svg/src/svg/parser_state.dart:955:7)
#6 SvgParserState.startElement (package:flutter_svg/src/svg/parser_state.dart:985:12)
#7 SvgParserState.parse (package:flutter_svg/src/svg/parser_state.dart:881:13)
<asynchronous suspension>
#8 SvgParser.parse (package:flutter_svg/parser.dart:27:12)
<asynchronous suspension>
#9 Svg.fromSvgString (package:flutter_svg/svg.dart:139:12)
<asynchronous suspension>
#10 Svg.svgPictureStringDecoder (package:flutter_svg/svg.dart:90:34)
<asynchronous suspension>
Picture provider: ExactAssetPicture(name: "packages/flag/res/4x3/dm.svg", bundle: null, colorFilter: null)
Picture key: AssetBundlePictureKey(bundle: PlatformAssetBundle#86ab6(), name: "packages/flag/res/4x3/dm.svg", colorFilter: null, theme: SvgTheme(currentColor: null, fontSize: 14.0, xHeight: 7.0))
I/flutter ( 8564): DO
I/flutter ( 8564): TL
I/flutter ( 8564): EC
======== Exception caught by SVG ===================================================================
The following FormatException was thrown resolving a single-frame picture stream:
Invalid double
When the exception was thrown, this was the stack:
#0 double.parse (dart:core-patch/double_patch.dart:111:28)
#1 parseDouble (package:flutter_svg/src/utilities/numbers.dart:23:17)
#2 SvgParserState.parseDoubleWithUnits (package:flutter_svg/src/svg/parser_state.dart:1065:27)
#3 SvgParserState.parseStroke (package:flutter_svg/src/svg/parser_state.dart:1357:13)
#4 SvgParserState.parseStyle (package:flutter_svg/src/svg/parser_state.dart:1590:15)
#5 SvgParserState.addShape (package:flutter_svg/src/svg/parser_state.dart:955:7)
#6 SvgParserState.startElement (package:flutter_svg/src/svg/parser_state.dart:985:12)
#7 SvgParserState.parse (package:flutter_svg/src/svg/parser_state.dart:881:13)
<asynchronous suspension>
#8 SvgParser.parse (package:flutter_svg/parser.dart:27:12)
<asynchronous suspension>
#9 Svg.fromSvgString (package:flutter_svg/svg.dart:139:12)
<asynchronous suspension>
#10 Svg.svgPictureStringDecoder (package:flutter_svg/svg.dart:90:34)
<asynchronous suspension>
Picture provider: ExactAssetPicture(name: "packages/flag/res/4x3/ec.svg", bundle: null, colorFilter: null)
Picture key: AssetBundlePictureKey(bundle: PlatformAssetBundle#86ab6(), name: "packages/flag/res/4x3/ec.svg", colorFilter: null, theme: SvgTheme(currentColor: null, fontSize: 14.0, xHeight: 7.0))
I/flutter ( 8564): EG
I/flutter ( 8564): SV
I/flutter ( 8564): GQ
I/flutter ( 8564): ER
I/flutter ( 8564): EE
I/flutter ( 8564): SZ
I/flutter ( 8564): ET
I/flutter ( 8564): FK
I/flutter ( 8564): FO
I/flutter ( 8564): FJ
I/flutter ( 8564): FI
I/flutter ( 8564): FR
I/flutter ( 8564): GF
I/flutter ( 8564): PF
I/flutter ( 8564): GA
I/flutter ( 8564): GM
I/flutter ( 8564): GE
I/flutter ( 8564): DE
I/flutter ( 8564): GH
I/flutter ( 8564): GI
I/flutter ( 8564): GR
I/flutter ( 8564): GL
I/flutter ( 8564): GD
======== Exception caught by SVG ===================================================================
The following StateError was thrown resolving a single-frame picture stream:
Bad state: Expected to find Drawable with id url(#d).
Have ids: (url(#flag-icons-gd), url(#c), url(#b), url(#a))
When the exception was thrown, this was the stack:
#0 DrawableDefinitionServer.getDrawable (package:flutter_svg/src/vector_drawable.dart:579:7)
#1 _Elements.use (package:flutter_svg/src/svg/parser_state.dart:212:34)
#2 SvgParserState.parse (package:flutter_svg/src/svg/parser_state.dart:885:26)
<asynchronous suspension>
#3 SvgParser.parse (package:flutter_svg/parser.dart:27:12)
<asynchronous suspension>
#4 Svg.fromSvgString (package:flutter_svg/svg.dart:139:12)
<asynchronous suspension>
#5 Svg.svgPictureStringDecoder (package:flutter_svg/svg.dart:90:34)
<asynchronous suspension>
Picture provider: ExactAssetPicture(name: "packages/flag/res/4x3/gd.svg", bundle: null, colorFilter: null)
Picture key: AssetBundlePictureKey(bundle: PlatformAssetBundle#86ab6(), name: "packages/flag/res/4x3/gd.svg", colorFilter: null, theme: SvgTheme(currentColor: null, fontSize: 14.0, xHeight: 7.0))
I/flutter ( 8564): GP
I/flutter ( 8564): GU
I/flutter ( 8564): GT
I/flutter ( 8564): GG
I/flutter ( 8564): GN
I/flutter ( 8564): GW
I/flutter ( 8564): GY
I/flutter ( 8564): HT
======== Exception caught by SVG ===================================================================
The following StateError was thrown resolving a single-frame picture stream:
Bad state: Expected to find Drawable with id url(#c).
Have ids: (url(#flag-icons-ht), url(#a), url(#b))
When the exception was thrown, this was the stack:
#0 DrawableDefinitionServer.getDrawable (package:flutter_svg/src/vector_drawable.dart:579:7)
#1 _Elements.use (package:flutter_svg/src/svg/parser_state.dart:212:34)
#2 SvgParserState.parse (package:flutter_svg/src/svg/parser_state.dart:885:26)
<asynchronous suspension>
#3 SvgParser.parse (package:flutter_svg/parser.dart:27:12)
<asynchronous suspension>
#4 Svg.fromSvgString (package:flutter_svg/svg.dart:139:12)
<asynchronous suspension>
#5 Svg.svgPictureStringDecoder (package:flutter_svg/svg.dart:90:34)
<asynchronous suspension>
Picture provider: ExactAssetPicture(name: "packages/flag/res/4x3/ht.svg", bundle: null, colorFilter: null)
Picture key: AssetBundlePictureKey(bundle: PlatformAssetBundle#86ab6(), name: "packages/flag/res/4x3/ht.svg", colorFilter: null, theme: SvgTheme(currentColor: null, fontSize: 14.0, xHeight: 7.0))
I/flutter ( 8564): HM
I/flutter ( 8564): HN
I/flutter ( 8564): HK
I/flutter ( 8564): HU
I/flutter ( 8564): IS
I/flutter ( 8564): IN
I/flutter ( 8564): ID
I/flutter ( 8564): IR
I/flutter ( 8564): IQ
I/flutter ( 8564): IE
I/flutter ( 8564): IM
I/flutter ( 8564): IL
I/flutter ( 8564): IT
I/flutter ( 8564): JM
I/flutter ( 8564): JP
I/flutter ( 8564): JE
I/flutter ( 8564): JO
I/flutter ( 8564): KZ
I/flutter ( 8564): KE
I/flutter ( 8564): KI
I/flutter ( 8564): XK
I/flutter ( 8564): XK
I/flutter ( 8564): KW
I/flutter ( 8564): KG
I/flutter ( 8564): LA
I/flutter ( 8564): LV
I/flutter ( 8564): LB
I/flutter ( 8564): LS
I/flutter ( 8564): LR
I/flutter ( 8564): LY
I/flutter ( 8564): LI
I/flutter ( 8564): LT
I/flutter ( 8564): LU
I/flutter ( 8564): MO
I/flutter ( 8564): MK
I/flutter ( 8564): MG
I/flutter ( 8564): MW
I/flutter ( 8564): MY
I/flutter ( 8564): MV
I/flutter ( 8564): ML
I/flutter ( 8564): MT
======== Exception caught by SVG ===================================================================
The following FormatException was thrown resolving a single-frame picture stream:
Invalid double
When the exception was thrown, this was the stack:
#0 double.parse (dart:core-patch/double_patch.dart:111:28)
#1 parseDouble (package:flutter_svg/src/utilities/numbers.dart:23:17)
#2 SvgParserState.parseDoubleWithUnits (package:flutter_svg/src/svg/parser_state.dart:1065:27)
#3 SvgParserState.parseStroke (package:flutter_svg/src/svg/parser_state.dart:1357:13)
#4 SvgParserState.parseStyle (package:flutter_svg/src/svg/parser_state.dart:1590:15)
#5 SvgParserState.addShape (package:flutter_svg/src/svg/parser_state.dart:955:7)
#6 SvgParserState.startElement (package:flutter_svg/src/svg/parser_state.dart:985:12)
#7 SvgParserState.parse (package:flutter_svg/src/svg/parser_state.dart:881:13)
<asynchronous suspension>
#8 SvgParser.parse (package:flutter_svg/parser.dart:27:12)
<asynchronous suspension>
#9 Svg.fromSvgString (package:flutter_svg/svg.dart:139:12)
<asynchronous suspension>
#10 Svg.svgPictureStringDecoder (package:flutter_svg/svg.dart:90:34)
<asynchronous suspension>
Picture provider: ExactAssetPicture(name: "packages/flag/res/4x3/mt.svg", bundle: null, colorFilter: null)
Picture key: AssetBundlePictureKey(bundle: PlatformAssetBundle#86ab6(), name: "packages/flag/res/4x3/mt.svg", colorFilter: null, theme: SvgTheme(currentColor: null, fontSize: 14.0, xHeight: 7.0))
I/flutter ( 8564): MH
I/flutter ( 8564): MQ
I/flutter ( 8564): MR
I/flutter ( 8564): MU
I/flutter ( 8564): YT
I/flutter ( 8564): MX
I/flutter ( 8564): FM
I/flutter ( 8564): MD
I/flutter ( 8564): MC
I/flutter ( 8564): MN
I/flutter ( 8564): ME
I/flutter ( 8564): MS
I/flutter ( 8564): MA
======== Exception caught by SVG ===================================================================
The following assertion was thrown while parsing AssetBundlePictureKey(bundle: PlatformAssetBundle#86ab6(), name: "packages/flag/res/4x3/mx.svg", colorFilter: null, theme: SvgTheme(currentColor: null, fontSize: 14.0, xHeight: 7.0)) in radialGradient:
Failed to find definition for #a
This library only supports <defs> and xlink:href references that are defined ahead of their references.
This error can be caused when the desired definition is defined after the element referring to it (e.g. at the end of the file), or defined in another file.
This error is treated as non-fatal, but your SVG file will likely not render as intended
======== Exception caught by SVG ===================================================================
The following assertion was thrown while parsing AssetBundlePictureKey(bundle: PlatformAssetBundle#86ab6(), name: "packages/flag/res/4x3/mx.svg", colorFilter: null, theme: SvgTheme(currentColor: null, fontSize: 14.0, xHeight: 7.0)) in radialGradient:
Failed to find definition for #a
This library only supports <defs> and xlink:href references that are defined ahead of their references.
This error can be caused when the desired definition is defined after the element referring to it (e.g. at the end of the file), or defined in another file.
This error is treated as non-fatal, but your SVG file will likely not render as intended
======== Exception caught by SVG ===================================================================
The following assertion was thrown while parsing AssetBundlePictureKey(bundle: PlatformAssetBundle#86ab6(), name: "packages/flag/res/4x3/mx.svg", colorFilter: null, theme: SvgTheme(currentColor: null, fontSize: 14.0, xHeight: 7.0)) in radialGradient:
Failed to find definition for #a
This library only supports <defs> and xlink:href references that are defined ahead of their references.
This error can be caused when the desired definition is defined after the element referring to it (e.g. at the end of the file), or defined in another file.
This error is treated as non-fatal, but your SVG file will likely not render as intended
I/flutter ( 8564): MZ
I/flutter ( 8564): MM
I/flutter ( 8564): NA
I/flutter ( 8564): NR
I/flutter ( 8564): NP
I/flutter ( 8564): NL
I/flutter ( 8564): NC
I/flutter ( 8564): NZ
I/flutter ( 8564): NI
I/flutter ( 8564): NE
I/flutter ( 8564): NG
I/flutter ( 8564): NU
I/flutter ( 8564): NF
I/flutter ( 8564): KP
I/flutter ( 8564): MP
I/flutter ( 8564): NO
I/flutter ( 8564): OM
I/flutter ( 8564): PK
I/flutter ( 8564): PW
I/flutter ( 8564): PS
I/flutter ( 8564): PA
I/flutter ( 8564): PG
I/flutter ( 8564): PY
I/flutter ( 8564): PE
I/flutter ( 8564): PH
I/flutter ( 8564): PL
I/flutter ( 8564): PT
I/flutter ( 8564): PR
I/flutter ( 8564): QA
I/flutter ( 8564): RE
I/flutter ( 8564): RO
I/flutter ( 8564): RU
I/flutter ( 8564): RW
I/flutter ( 8564): BL
I/flutter ( 8564): SH
I/flutter ( 8564): KN
======== Exception caught by SVG ===================================================================
The following StateError was thrown resolving a single-frame picture stream:
Bad state: Expected to find Drawable with id url(#c).
Have ids: (url(#flag-icons-pe), url(#g), url(#d), url(#a), url(#b), url(#e), url(#f))
When the exception was thrown, this was the stack:
#0 DrawableDefinitionServer.getDrawable (package:flutter_svg/src/vector_drawable.dart:579:7)
#1 _Elements.use (package:flutter_svg/src/svg/parser_state.dart:212:34)
#2 SvgParserState.parse (package:flutter_svg/src/svg/parser_state.dart:885:26)
<asynchronous suspension>
#3 SvgParser.parse (package:flutter_svg/parser.dart:27:12)
<asynchronous suspension>
#4 Svg.fromSvgString (package:flutter_svg/svg.dart:139:12)
<asynchronous suspension>
#5 Svg.svgPictureStringDecoder (package:flutter_svg/svg.dart:90:34)
<asynchronous suspension>
Picture provider: ExactAssetPicture(name: "packages/flag/res/4x3/pe.svg", bundle: null, colorFilter: null)
Picture key: AssetBundlePictureKey(bundle: PlatformAssetBundle#86ab6(), name: "packages/flag/res/4x3/pe.svg", colorFilter: null, theme: SvgTheme(currentColor: null, fontSize: 14.0, xHeight: 7.0))
I/flutter ( 8564): LC
I/flutter ( 8564): MF
I/flutter ( 8564): PM
I/flutter ( 8564): VC
I/flutter ( 8564): WS
I/flutter ( 8564): SM
I/flutter ( 8564): ST
I/flutter ( 8564): SA
I/flutter ( 8564): SN
I/flutter ( 8564): RS
I/flutter ( 8564): SC
I/flutter ( 8564): SL
I/flutter ( 8564): SG
I/flutter ( 8564): SX
I/flutter ( 8564): SK
I/flutter ( 8564): SI
I/flutter ( 8564): SB
======== Exception caught by SVG ===================================================================
The following StateError was thrown resolving a single-frame picture stream:
Bad state: Expected to find Drawable with id url(#c).
Have ids: (url(#flag-icons-rs), url(#b), url(#d))
When the exception was thrown, this was the stack:
#0 DrawableDefinitionServer.getDrawable (package:flutter_svg/src/vector_drawable.dart:579:7)
#1 _Elements.use (package:flutter_svg/src/svg/parser_state.dart:212:34)
#2 SvgParserState.parse (package:flutter_svg/src/svg/parser_state.dart:885:26)
<asynchronous suspension>
#3 SvgParser.parse (package:flutter_svg/parser.dart:27:12)
<asynchronous suspension>
#4 Svg.fromSvgString (package:flutter_svg/svg.dart:139:12)
<asynchronous suspension>
#5 Svg.svgPictureStringDecoder (package:flutter_svg/svg.dart:90:34)
<asynchronous suspension>
Picture provider: ExactAssetPicture(name: "packages/flag/res/4x3/rs.svg", bundle: null, colorFilter: null)
Picture key: AssetBundlePictureKey(bundle: PlatformAssetBundle#86ab6(), name: "packages/flag/res/4x3/rs.svg", colorFilter: null, theme: SvgTheme(currentColor: null, fontSize: 14.0, xHeight: 7.0))
I/flutter ( 8564): SO
I/flutter ( 8564): ZA
I/flutter ( 8564): GS
I/flutter ( 8564): KR
I/flutter ( 8564): SS
I/flutter ( 8564): ES
I/flutter ( 8564): LK
I/flutter ( 8564): SD
I/flutter ( 8564): SR
======== Exception caught by SVG ===================================================================
The following StateError was thrown resolving a single-frame picture stream:
Bad state: Expected to find Drawable with id url(#b).
Have ids: (url(#flag-icons-lk), url(#a))
When the exception was thrown, this was the stack:
#0 DrawableDefinitionServer.getDrawable (package:flutter_svg/src/vector_drawable.dart:579:7)
#1 _Elements.use (package:flutter_svg/src/svg/parser_state.dart:212:34)
#2 SvgParserState.parse (package:flutter_svg/src/svg/parser_state.dart:885:26)
<asynchronous suspension>
#3 SvgParser.parse (package:flutter_svg/parser.dart:27:12)
<asynchronous suspension>
#4 Svg.fromSvgString (package:flutter_svg/svg.dart:139:12)
<asynchronous suspension>
#5 Svg.svgPictureStringDecoder (package:flutter_svg/svg.dart:90:34)
<asynchronous suspension>
Picture provider: ExactAssetPicture(name: "packages/flag/res/4x3/lk.svg", bundle: null, colorFilter: null)
Picture key: AssetBundlePictureKey(bundle: PlatformAssetBundle#86ab6(), name: "packages/flag/res/4x3/lk.svg", colorFilter: null, theme: SvgTheme(currentColor: null, fontSize: 14.0, xHeight: 7.0))
I/flutter ( 8564): SJ
I/flutter ( 8564): SE
I/flutter ( 8564): CH
I/flutter ( 8564): SY
I/flutter ( 8564): TW
I/flutter ( 8564): TJ
I/flutter ( 8564): TZ
I/flutter ( 8564): TH
I/flutter ( 8564): TG
I/flutter ( 8564): TK
I/flutter ( 8564): TO
I/flutter ( 8564): TT
I/flutter ( 8564): TN
I/flutter ( 8564): TR
I/flutter ( 8564): TM
I/flutter ( 8564): TC
I/flutter ( 8564): TV
I/flutter ( 8564): VI
I/flutter ( 8564): UG
I/flutter ( 8564): UA
I/flutter ( 8564): AE
I/flutter ( 8564): GB
I/flutter ( 8564): US
I/flutter ( 8564): UY
I/flutter ( 8564): UZ
I/flutter ( 8564): VU
I/flutter ( 8564): VA
I/flutter ( 8564): VE
I/flutter ( 8564): VN
I/flutter ( 8564): WF
I/flutter ( 8564): EH
I/flutter ( 8564): YE
I/flutter ( 8564): ZM
I/flutter ( 8564): ZW
I experience this issue with the USA flag. Any update?
I have the same issue with Lithuania flag (lt)
Seems like something's broken with flutter_svg on Flutter 3 :/ https://github.com/dnfield/flutter_svg/issues
I'm currently using flags on version 5.0.1 while version 6.0 has some bugs. The version 5.0.1 is currently working normally with flutter 3 for who is having issue with version 6.0. For who has issue, I recommend use version 5.0.1 while the version 6.0 of this package currently has issues.
I'm currently using flags on version 5.0.1 while version 6.0 has some bugs. The version 5.0.1 is currently working normally with flutter 3 for who is having issue with version 6.0. For who has issue, I recommend use version 5.0.1 while the version 6.0 of this package currently has issues.
This is the only solution as of now, because v6.x also fails for me for literally every single flag.
Updating flutter_svg package may help but Flag restricts svg version with maximum 1.1.0 as i get error on pub get. It should be fixed.. I do not want to downgrade to 5x version because it has size issue for some flags.
the countries which fails on my app (flag: v6.0.0, flutter 3.7.7): Argentina (ar), Peru (pe), Serbia (rs), Sri Lanka (lk), Haiti (ht), Grenada (gd)
Argentina (ar),
Peru (pe),
Serbia (rs),
Sri Lanka (lk),
Haiti (ht),
Grenada (gd)
those has been fixed in 7.0.0, and it already published on pub.dev.