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The probelm about simulation and MEG mapping
Hi Luke, Sourry to distrub you. Recently I face some warning about the dataset I created from T1.gmz by freesurfer when I change the signal to eeg/meg map.
The probelms I faced with are about the simulation and the function :
elec_pos = _find_topomap_coords(,,ignore_overlap=True) in 625 of of esinet.
The probelms are:
What's more I face another probelm about the channel type when I simulate data. The problem is
There are two type of my meg channel but I don't know how to drop them. So I comment these code out. But I worry about it will have bad effect on the simulated data.
The workflow of creating fwd.fif.
I firstly use the Freesurfer and
mne.bem.make_watershed_bem(subject=subject, subjects_dir=subjects_dir,
overwrite=True, verbose=True, show=False)
to creat bem layer from T1.mgz of subject and follow the tutorial of MNE to coregistate the bem forward model to get fwd.fif
The link is
To sum up, I face four problem. One is about the two channel types when I simulate data, others are about the elec_pos = _find_topomap_coords warnings
I dont know how to deal with them and if they have great negtivate effects on the result we get. Looking for your relpy. Thanks.
Hi, I got the same problem,have you solved it?