VoteReward copied to clipboard
The essential @PocketMine plugin for attracting more players.
12.10 18:05:05 [Server] INFO Fatal error: Declaration of LDX\VoteReward\Main::onCommand(pocketmine\command\CommandSender $sender, pocketmine\command\Command $command, $label, array $args) must be compatible with pocketmine\plugin\PluginBase::onCommand(pocketmine\command\CommandSender $sender, pocketmine\command\Command $command, string $label, array $args): bool in /plugins/VoteReward-master/src/LDX/VoteReward/Main.php...
Can someone of you help me how to use or how to put the api-key for voterewards
1st - I have a **Minecraft Pocket Edition Server** – I installed the plugin but there's no _/vote_ Command (Unknown Command). 2nd - I cannot find a _VoteReward/Lists/_ folder. I...
I have it downloaded and running but how do I set it up online? How do I set up the vote? PLEASE HELP
The Title Says it all. I want more forums support please. Like 1 or 3 more should be pretty good and OP.
is it possible you to add autocheck so player doesnt need to do /vote intead the system will API does not work ?
rds); [49] array_splice($server->getPluginManager()->getPlugin("VoteReward")->queue, array_search($this->id, $server->getPluginManager()->getPlugin("VoteReward")->queue, true), 1); [50] } [51] [52] } [53] [54] [55] [56] [57] [58] Backtrace: #0 /src/pocketmine/scheduler/ServerScheduler(268): pocketmine\scheduler\AsyncPool->collectTasks(boolean) #1 /src/pocketmine/Server(2990): pocketmine\scheduler\ServerScheduler->mainThreadHeartbeat(integer 15222) #2 /src/pocketmine/Server(2683): pocketmine\Server->tick(boolean) #3...