hammer icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
hammer copied to clipboard

A zero-config tool for developing web sites and apps with modern languages, but still keeping close to the Platform.

🔨 Hammer

A simple frontend development tool.


  hammer new <name> [-t=<framework>] [--typescript]
  hammer serve <src>... [-p=<port>] [-a=<host>] [--gzip] [--define=<K>=<V>...] [--proxy=<url>] [--css-modules] [--live-reload]
  hammer bundle <src> <dest> [--minify] [--define=<K>=<V>...] [--sourcemap=<external|inline|none>] [--extract-css] [--css-modules]
  hammer trace <src> [--flat|--orphans] [--json]
  hammer -h | --help
  hammer --version

  -h --help                              Show this screen.
  --version                              Show version.
  -p --port=<port>                       The HTTP Server port [default: 4321]
  -a --addr=<host>                       The default IP for the server port [default:]
  --sourcemap=<external|inline|none>     Whether or not to include a source map with the bundle
  --css-modules                          Enable CSS Modules
  --minify                               Minify output
  --define=<K>=<V>                       Substitute K with V while parsing

New Options:
  -t --framework=<framework>             A JavaScript framework to use. Options: none, react [default: none]
  --ts, --typescript                     Use TypeScript

Serve Options:
  -g --gzip                              Compress the output with gzip. Note: Not recommended for local development
  -P --proxy=<url>                       Redirect 404s to a proxy URL
  -w --live-reload                       Watches for changes and sends the changes to the browser

Trace Options:
  --flat                                 List all files in the dependency graph
  --orphans                              Lists all source files in the source path that are never imported in the dependency graph
  --json                                 Output graph as json


Have a look at Releases and download the binary for your architecture and platform

Or install with Go:

go get github.com/lukechannings/hammer/cmd/hammer