filament-icon-picker icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
filament-icon-picker copied to clipboard

An icon picker field for Filament

Results 8 filament-icon-picker issues
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Hello, does iconpicker has problem when we use it in repeater only first one will load iconpicker, ![image](


> Now I see the difference > When on ON_TOP is specified it doesn't hide the list > > But I expected a grid with all icons by default so...


Thanks for the amazing plugin. How can I preload icons? I have a `default` set and that's all I use. The list should appear immediately after opening the dropdown.

I have tried adding a simple column to my filament table with the simple IconColumn::make('icon') as per instructions: the form is set as: IconPicker::make('icon') ->sets(['fontawesome-solid']), I am using font awesome...

Declaration of Guava\FilamentIconPicker\Forms\IconPicker::relationship(Closure|string|null $name, Closure|string|null $titleAttribute, ?Closure $modifyQueryUsing = null): static must be compatible with Filament\Forms\Components\Select::relationship(Closure|string|null $name = null, Closure|string|null $titleAttribute = null, ?Closure $modifyQueryUsing = null, bool $ignoreRecord =...

On branch chore/improve-placeholder modified: resources/views/placeholder.blade.php modified: src/Forms/IconPicker.php

- allows programmatic hiding On branch fix/check-state-before-load-icon modified: resources/views/tables/icon-column.blade.php modified: src/Tables/IconColumn.php