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Nativescript adapter

Open farfromrefug opened this issue 4 years ago • 9 comments

Very interested by your project! I already have a plugin for the Nativescript cross-platform framework (kind of like React Native but so much better :P) I would love to try and write an adapter for your plugin. Could you guide me a bit?

PS: I only need to write JS, no need for ObjC or Java code.

farfromrefug avatar Oct 16 '19 07:10 farfromrefug

@farfromrefug that is awesome! I will write something up in the next days, ok?

LukasBombach avatar Oct 17 '19 07:10 LukasBombach

@LukasBombach Whenever you have the time. I have something working already.

farfromrefug avatar Oct 17 '19 07:10 farfromrefug

@LukasBombach any news on this? Would still like to go and test the integration with your package for Nativescript

farfromrefug avatar Jan 15 '20 20:01 farfromrefug

@farfromrefug oh sht sorry, I did not get to this. So:

Any adapter must expose this public API:

type PUUID = string;
type SUUID = BluetoothServiceUUID;
type CUUID = BluetoothCharacteristicUUID;

is an array that has the following fields:
    peripheralUuid: string,
    address: string,
    addressType: AddressType,
    connectable: boolean,
    advertisement: Advertisement,
    rssi: number

you can read about the Events and Listeners here

The keys are the event names, the values are the listeners that are expected for this event, by which I mean the params you see in a function next to the event are the params an event listener will receive for that event.

class SblendidAdapter {
  public static powerOn(): Promise<void> {}

  public static powerOff(): Promise<void> {}

  public startScanning(): void {}

  public stopScanning(): void {}

  public find(condition: FindCondition): Promise<Params<"discover">> {}

  public connect(pUUID: PUUID): Promise<void> {}

  public disconnect(pUUID: PUUID): Promise<void> {}

  public getServices(pUUID: PUUID): Promise<SUUID[]> {}

  public getRssi(pUUID: PUUID): Promise<number> {}

  public on<E extends Event>(event: E, listener: Listener<E>): void {}

  public off<E extends Event>(event: E, listener: Listener<E>): void {}

  public getCharacteristics(
  ): Promise<CharacteristicData[]> {}

  public read(pUUID: PUUID, sUUID: SUUID, cUUID: CUUID): Promise<Buffer> {}

  public write(
    value: Buffer,
    withoutResponse = false,
  ): Promise<void> {}

  public notify(
    notify: boolean,
  ): Promise<boolean> {}


This definition is TypeScript, but of course you can write this in JavaScript, it just shows you what to return and which types of parameters to expect. I know this is a bit much and I hope you are comfortable with this notation, but I am happy to take questions. I definitely want to rework this at some point, which is the first reason why I was so reluctant to answer your question.

The second reason is because I have no API for integrating 3rd party adapters into sblendid, but I definitely intend to.

I was thinking maybe it should be possible to do this

import Sblendid from "@sblendid/sblendid";
import NativeScriptAdapter from "your-native-script-adapter";


What do you think?

LukasBombach avatar Jan 16 '20 17:01 LukasBombach

@LukasBombach seems perfect. need to find time to work on this. One thought though. I am a little bit worried about what would be included (webpack wise) in my mobile app. I see that the node adapter is always required here which means that it would get included in my mobile app. I don't want that ;)

farfromrefug avatar Apr 11 '20 08:04 farfromrefug

don't worry, that is only there because there are no other platforms yet. The reason I split sblendid into multiple modules like

  • @sblendid/sblendid
  • @sblendid/node-adapter

is exactly for that reason.

In the end I want to have a package structure like this:

  • @sblendid/sblendid
  • @sblendid/adapter-node
  • @sblendid/adapter-web
  • @sblendid/adapter-ios
  • @sblendid/adapter-android

and because this will be annoying for users I'd like to only have those as internal packages and for users provide packages like

  • sblendid
  • sblendid-web
  • sblendid-react-native
  • sblendid-native-script

which are just wrappers and combinations of the @sblendid packages

and to achieve all this I need to provide a solid API to connect sblendid (the library) with adapters, which i don't have yet. And this is quite crucial because with noble you can see that as time goes by there is a big need for 3rd party adapters from the community.

LukasBombach avatar Apr 11 '20 11:04 LukasBombach

If you have any ideas how you would like to integrate your adapter with sblendid please shoot

LukasBombach avatar Apr 11 '20 11:04 LukasBombach

Ok I am OK with 2 packages: @sblendid/adapter-nativescript sblendid-nativescript Need to find time to write it now ;)

farfromrefug avatar Apr 11 '20 11:04 farfromrefug


LukasBombach avatar Apr 11 '20 11:04 LukasBombach