Lukas Bombach

Results 54 comments of Lukas Bombach

Hey @diginfo unfortunately Linux support is far from ready, it is under heavy work right now. If you checkout the [Linux branch]( and transpile it you will end up with...

Hey @progerzua Do I understand you correctly that you want to automatically subscribe to notifications for all characteristics on a peripheral / service that allow notifications once you connect to...

@progerzua I am doing some research right now, but I cannot be absolutely sure. For macOS support, I am using a compiled binary of this library: This library is...

Ok, I will still keep this open as I aim to make this library somewhat complete. Unfortunately this won't have the highes priority (as I need to get things to...

@progerzua not gonna close it though because it needs to work in sblendid too :) Thanks for the update

Dammit, ok, maybe some versions have changed. I will need some time to figure this out, sorry, as I am very busy these days

Any comment from the maintainers if this is something that could be part of a roadmap? I have been working on three of the major German news websites and all...

Hey sorry, my dayjob and two kids are too much, can't really get to this

Wow, talk about reviving the dead :D

From what I can understand in the macOS implementation, winit is already receiving each event from the OS (this is how I read [the `maybe_dispatch_device_event` function]( and uses that to...