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This application allows calculate heat integration for heat exchangers using Python on console mode. Sponsor this repository for access.

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This application allows calculate heat integration for heat exchangers.


For installing this application download the most recent wheel file and use:

pip install PinchAnalysis-VERSION-py3-none-any.whl


This application uses the pinchStream class, which requires attaching a plain text file to the folder where the application is hosted. This class allows to visualize the specifications of the streams and the table of shifted temperatures as well as to generate the composite curve, the grand composite curve and the corresponding heat flow cascade.

Required information

The plain text file must have the following information:

  • or
  • or

The corresponding plain text file will be in the next way:

Q_dot T_start T_target dT_min

How to manipulate the application?

First, the instance of the class is generated using the pinchStream notation ('Data'):


It should be noted that the string 'Data' corresponds to the name of the plain text file. If you want to work on multiple plain text files that contain streams information, their names must vary only numerically, that is, if there is a second file on which you want to perform calculations, it should be called 'Data2' and so on consecutively.

The available options for the pinchStream class are the following:

['__class__', '__delattr__', '__dict__', '__dir__', '__doc__', '__eq__', '__format__', '__ge__', '__getattribute__', '__gt__', '__hash__', '__init__', '__init_subclass__', '__le__', '__lt__', '__module__', '__ne__', '__new__', '__reduce__', '__reduce_ex__', '__repr__', '__setattr__', '__sizeof__', '__str__', '__subclasshook__', '__weakref__', 'cascadeTable', 'compositeCurve', 'drawCascade', 'grandCompositeCurve', 'shiftedTemperatures', 'streamData']

The following are the basic formats to perform the respective calculations:

pinchStream('Data') # Create the instance for Data.txt file
pinchStream('Data').streamData() # Show the information of the streams for Data.txt
pinchStream('Data').shiftedTemperatures() # Show the shifted temperature table for Data.txt
pinchStream('Data').compositeCurve() # Show the composite curve for Data.txt
pinchStream('Data').grandCompositeCurve() # Show the grand composite curve for Data.txt
pinchStream('Data').drawCascade() # Draw the heat flow cascade for Data.txt
pinchStream('Data2') # Create the instance for Data2.txt file


The elements generated for each method of the pinchStream class are detailed below.

Method Functionality Arguments
streamData It displays a table with the information for streams Default: T_units='°C', Q_units='kW'
drawStreams Draw the corresponding streams Default: Data='1', T_units='°C', Q_units='kW'
shiftedTemperatures Draw the shifted temperatures Default: T_units='°C', Q_units='kW'
initialGridDiagram Draw the initial grid diagram (development) Default: Data='1', T_units='°C', Q_units='kW'
drawIntervals Draw the intervals of temperature Default: Data='1', T_units='°C', Q_units='kW'
cascadeTable Display the energy cascade Default: Data='1', T_units='°C', Q_units='kW'
compositeCurve Draw the composite curve Default: Data='1', T_units='°C', Q_units='kW'
grandCompositeCurve Draw the grand composite curve Default: Data='1', T_units='°C', Q_units='kW'
drawCascade Draw the energy cascade Default: Data='1', T_units='°C', Q_units='kW'

Calculation examples

First example

Example 15.2 (Data.txt) [Adapted from Analysis, Synthesis and Design of Chemical Processes, Richard Turton, Richard C. Baille, Wallace B. Whiting, Joseph A. Shaeiwitz, page 525] In a process, there are a total of six streams that require heating and cooling. These are listed below along with their thermal and flow data. A stream is referred to as "hot" if it requires cooling, and "cold" if it requires heating. The temperature of the stream is not used to define whether it is "hot" or "cold".

Stream Condition
1 Hot 300 150 1200
2 Hot 150 50 200
3 Hot 200 50 450
4 Cold 190 290 -500
5 Cold 90 190 -800
6 Cold 40 190 -600

Generate the tables corresponding to the specifications of the streams, the temperatures of interval and the cascade of heat flow as well as the graphs of cumulative enthalpies and grand composite.

Specifications for streams

Create the plain text file with the requires information. Specifications are displayed as a table.


Shifted temperatures

Calculate the temperatures corrected by the minimum approach. The shifted temperatures are displayed as a table.


Diagram for streams

Draw the streams with corresponding information


Initial grid diagram

Draw the initial grid diagram


Intervals of temperature

Draw the intervals for shifted temperatures


Heat flow cascade

Calculate the corresponding heat flow cascade


Cumulative enthalpies

Elaborate the graph of cumulative enthalpies


Grand composite curve

Elaborate the grand composite graphic


Second example

Table 1.1 (Data2.txt) [Adapted from Pinch Analysis and Process Integration: A User Guide on Process Integration for the Efficient Use of Energy, Ian C. Kemp, page 4]

Given the following data:

Stream Condition
1 Cold 20 135 230
2 Hot 170 60 330
3 Cold 80 140 240
4 Hot 150 30 180

Generate the tables corresponding to the specifications of the streams, the temperatures of interval and the cascade of heat flow as well as the graphs of cumulative enthalpies and grand composite.

Specifications for streams

Create the plain text file with the requires information. Specifications are displayed as a table.


Shifted temperatures

Calculate the temperatures corrected by the minimum approach. The shifted temperatures are displayed as a table.


Diagram for streams

Draw the streams with corresponding information


Initial grid diagram

Draw the initial grid diagram


Intervals of temperature

Draw the intervals for shifted temperatures


Heat flow cascade

Calculate the corresponding heat flow cascade


Cumulative enthalpies

Elaborate the graph of cumulative enthalpies


Grand composite curve

Elaborate the grand composite graphic


Third example

Exercise 3.6 (Data3.txt) [Adapted from PINCH ANALYSIS FOR ENERGY AND CARBON FOOTPRINT REDUCTION: User Guide to Process Integration for the Efficient Use of Energy, Ian C. Kemp, Jeng Shiun Lim, third edition, page 60] Calculate the hot and cold composite curves, problem table, grand composite curve, hot and cold utility targets and pinch temperature for the problem with stream data given in the table below at a global of 10 °C, using a calculator, your own spreadsheet or the spreadsheet supplied with the book.

Stream Condition
1 Hot 200 50 450
2 Hot 240 100 210
3 Hot 120 119 300
4 Cold 30 200 680
5 Cold 50 250 400

Specifications for streams

Create the plain text file with the requires information. Specifications are displayed as a table.


Shifted temperatures

Calculate the temperatures corrected by the minimum approach. The shifted temperatures are displayed as a table.


Diagram for streams

Draw the streams with corresponding information


Initial grid diagram

Draw the initial grid diagram


Intervals of temperature

Draw the intervals for shifted temperatures


Heat flow cascade

Calculate the corresponding heat flow cascade


Cumulative enthalpies

Elaborate the graph of cumulative enthalpies


Grand composite curve

Elaborate the grand composite graphic


Fourth example

6.6 Worked Case Study and Example for Total Site Problem Algorith (DataA.txt and DataB.txt) [Adapted from PINCH ANALYSIS FOR ENERGY AND CARBON FOOTPRINT REDUCTION: User Guide to Process Integration for the Efficient Use of Energy, Ian C. Kemp, Jeng Shiun Lim, third edition, page 249] Consider a total site case with two plants, i.e., Plant A and Plant B. The process stream data for the two plants are given in tables below. For Plant A, use of 10 °C and for Plant B use of 20 °C.

Stream Condition
1 Hot A1H 210 110 2500
2 Hot A2H 160 60 4000
3 Cold A1C 60 120 6000
4 Cold A2C 50 200 4500
Stream Condition
1 Hot B1H 220 60 400
2 Hot B2H 250 100 300
3 Hot B3H 170 105 1300
4 Cold B1C 40 180 700
5 Cold B2C 60 260 500

Problem Tables

StreamData StreamData

Grand Composite Curves

StreamData StreamData

Fifth example

Table 3.2 (Data5.txt) [Adapted from CHEMICAL ENGINERING DESIGN: Principles, Practice and Economics of Plant and Process Design, GAVIN TOWLER, RAY SINNOTT, page 125]

Given the following data:

Stream Condition
1 Hot 180 60 360
2 Hot 150 30 120
3 Cold 20 135 230
4 Cold 80 140 270

Generate the tables corresponding to the specifications of the streams, the temperatures of interval and the cascade of heat flow as well as the graphs of cumulative enthalpies and grand composite.

Specifications for streams

Create the plain text file with the requires information. Specifications are displayed as a table.


Shifted temperatures

Calculate the temperatures corrected by the minimum approach. The shifted temperatures are displayed as a table.


Diagram for streams

Draw the streams with corresponding information


Initial grid diagram

Draw the initial grid diagram


Intervals of temperature

Draw the intervals for shifted temperatures


Heat flow cascade

Calculate the corresponding heat flow cascade


Cumulative enthalpies

Elaborate the graph of cumulative enthalpies


Grand composite curve

Elaborate the grand composite graphic


Sixth example

Ejemplo 9.1 (Data6.txt) [Adapted from DISEÑO DE PROCESOS EN INGENIERÍA QUÍMICA, Arturo Jiménez Gutiérrez, Editorial Reverté, S.A., page 205]

Se quieren usar dos corrientes calientes y una corriente fría para diseñar una red de intercambiadores de calor. La siguiente tabla proporciona los datos del problema.

Stream Condition
1 H1 200 80 240
2 H2 180 30 1050
3 C1 70 170 1000

Considerando un valor de de 10 °C, use el método del punto de pliegue para integrar la máxima cantidad de calor entre las corrientes.

Specifications for streams

Create the plain text file with the requires information. Specifications are displayed as a table.


Shifted temperatures

Calculate the temperatures corrected by the minimum approach. The shifted temperatures are displayed as a table.


Diagram for streams

Draw the streams with corresponding information


Initial grid diagram

Draw the initial grid diagram


Intervals of temperature

Draw the intervals for shifted temperatures


Heat flow cascade

Calculate the corresponding heat flow cascade


Cumulative enthalpies

Elaborate the graph of cumulative enthalpies


Grand composite curve

Elaborate the grand composite graphic


Seventh example

2. Problem Statement (Data7.txt) [Adapted from Introduction to Pinch Technology, Rokni Masoud, Tehcnical University of Denmark, page 3]

A typical industrial process may consist of several numbers of hot and cold process streams which may demand cooling and heating respectively. Heat exchangers can be used to recover some of the heat demand while external heaters and coolers can be used to achieve the temperature demand for the process strams. Suppose an industrial plant with hot and cold process strams as shown in the following table.

Stream Condition
1 Cold 90 420 3300
2 Cold 170 350 5760
3 Cold 200 390 5510
4 Hot 440 140 8100
4 Hot 510 300 5040

Generate the tables corresponding to the specifications of the streams, the temperatures of interval and the cascade of heat flow as well as the graphs of cumulative enthalpies and grand composite.

Specifications for streams

Create the plain text file with the requires information. Specifications are displayed as a table.


Shifted temperatures

Calculate the temperatures corrected by the minimum approach. The shifted temperatures are displayed as a table.


Diagram for streams

Draw the streams with corresponding information


Initial grid diagram

Draw the initial grid diagram


Intervals of temperature

Draw the intervals for shifted temperatures


Heat flow cascade

Calculate the corresponding heat flow cascade


Cumulative enthalpies

Elaborate the graph of cumulative enthalpies


Grand composite curve

Elaborate the grand composite graphic



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