Iryna Kreichmann

Results 19 comments of Iryna Kreichmann

Have the same problem, is there any good solution so far?

@eyu0415 where exactly did you change the name of that icon? in /android/app/build/intermediates/res/merged/release/drawable-mdpi/node_modules_reactnativerouterflux_node_modules_reactnavigationstack_dist_views_assets_backiconmask.png ?

@vitas61 I'm tesing #import and getting file not found, with RCTImageLoader import works. What can be wrong?

Yeah, adding ` "\n"` in the body of email works for me! ``` email(to, { subject: topic, body: "My text"+ "\n"+ "\n"+ " my extra text." }).catch(console.error) ```

The same problem, did anyone tried solution above? Did it help?

Is there any updates about it? I have the same problem with IOS release build.

I have also tried this code as well, and I also got an error "undefined is not an object evaluating u.refs.dateOfBirthInput.getElement()._root.focus ": ``` _onLastNameSubmitted() { const el = this.refs.dateOfBirthInput.getElement() el._root.focus()...

I have also tried this solution: ``` onBirthdaySubmitted = () => { this.refs['phoneInput'].getElement().focus(); } ``` ``` this.lastNameRef = lastNameRef} returnKeyType='next' onSubmitEditing={this.onBirthdaySubmitted} placeholderTextColor='#B1B1B1' onChangeText={ text => this.onChangeLastName('lastName', text) } /> this.onChangePhone('phoneNumber',...

@benhurott It's the same behavior field is focused for 1 second and then it becomes unfocused