DexKit copied to clipboard
opNames(Arrays.asList("new-instance", "invoke-direct", "invoke-virtual", "invoke-virtual", "move-result-object", "if-eqz", "return-object", "new-instance", "invoke-direct", "throw"))
The opnames are not working, I have done several tests but it always returns that no method was found
The opnames are not working, I have done several tests but it always returns that no method was found
Can you provide a reproducible example? dex/apk and query examples
APK: hooked class: X.1ii hooked method: A0b(I)V disassembly:
0000: iget v0, v1, LX/1ii;->A17:I
0002: or-int/2addr v2, v0
0003: iput v2, v1, LX/1ii;->A17:I
0005: return-void
code used:
var result = dexkitInstance.findMethod(new FindMethod().matcher(new MethodMatcher().opCodes(
new OpCodesMatcher().opNames(List.of("iget","or-int/2addr","iput","return-void"))
XposedBridge.log("Found: " + result.size()); // always return 0
2.0.1 Fixed