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[Android] Flickering when opening popup, animated: false not working
As the title says there is flickering happening when opening popup with animation on Android, specifically Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra in my case.
Using MopupService.Instance.PushAsync(popup, animate: false);
does not disable the animation.
I found a workaround for this by setting IsAnimationEnabled="False"
on the popup page.
But still having a nice animation would be better.
Here is what I am using on the page:
I have also noticed this problem. Any update on the issue?
I also noticed this issue. I've managed to workaround the flickering bug by using this simplified custom animation code:
internal class ScaleAndFadeAnimation : BaseAnimation
public double Scale { get; set; } = 0.8;
public ScaleAndFadeAnimation()
EasingIn = Easing.SinOut;
EasingOut = Easing.SinIn;
public override void Preparing(View content, PopupPage page)
public override void Disposing(View content, PopupPage page)
public override Task Appearing(View content, PopupPage page)
return Task.WhenAll(
page.FadeTo(1.0, DurationIn, EasingIn),
ScaleAsync(content, EasingIn, Scale, 1.0, DurationIn)
public override Task Disappearing(View content, PopupPage page)
return Task.WhenAll(
page.FadeTo(0.0, DurationOut, EasingOut),
ScaleAsync(content, EasingOut, 1.0, Scale, DurationOut)
private static Task ScaleAsync(VisualElement content, Easing easing, double start, double end, uint length)
var task = new TaskCompletionSource();
d => content.Scale = d,
easing: easing,
length: length,
finished: (_, _) => task.SetResult());
return task.Task;
@tranb3r can you explain how to use the ScaleAndFadeAnimation with Mopups? I'm looking at IPopupNavigation and I don't see a way to pass a BaseAnimation.
@tranb3r can you explain how to use the ScaleAndFadeAnimation with Mopups? I'm looking at IPopupNavigation and I don't see a way to pass a BaseAnimation.
Look at the sample app here: You can use any custom animation class instead of the one provided by the plugin.
For anyone who needs this in C#:
var popupNavigation = Mopups.Services.MopupService.Instance;
popupPage.Animation = new ScaleAndFadeAnimation();
await popupNavigation.PushAsync(popupPage);