react-native-gplaces copied to clipboard
React Native library for utilizing Google's Autocomplete for Places.
React Native library for utilizing Google's Autocomplete for Places.
Notice: Geolocation must be linked, in React Native 0.60+ this is done automatically.
using npm
npm install --save react-native-gplaces @react-native-community/geolocation
using yarn
yarn add react-native-gplaces @react-native-community/geolocation
The module uses an ES6 style export statement, simply use import
to load the module.
import GPlaces from 'react-native-gplaces';
If you're using an ES5 require statement to load the module, please add default
. Look here for more detail.
var GPlaces = require('react-native-gplaces').default;
This package supports custom queries if you'd like to use them. For searching queries look here and queries for getting places look here.
Creating an instance
You can obtain a Google API key here.
const places = new GPlaces({
Search for places'nemo', {
components: 'country:nl',
types: 'establishment'
.then(r => {
// returns ACResult[]
Search for places nearby
places.searchNearby('brussel', 2500, {
components: 'country:be',
types: '(cities)'
.then(r => {
// returns ACResult[]
Get details for a Place
places.getPlaceDetails('ChIJn8N5VRvZxkcRmLlkgWTSmvM', {
fields: 'geometry'
.then(r => {
// returns PDResult
constructor GPlaces(options: Options): GPlaces
Constructor for creating an instance of the GPlaces class
request: (url?: string) => Promise<any> (@private)
Calling this method will fetch an URL and return a JSON response
autocompleteRequest: (options?: string) => Promise<ACResult[]> (@private)
Calling this method will fetch and return an array of results
search: (input?: string, query?: ACQuery | undefined) => Promise<ACResult[]>
Calling this method will search for places matching the input.
searchNearby: (input?: string, radius?: number, query?: ACQuery | undefined) => Promise<ACResult[]>
Calling this method will search for nearby places matching the input in a given radius. The default radius is 1000m / 1km.
getPlaceDetails: (placeid?: string, query?: PDQuery | undefined) => Promise<PDResult>
Calling this method will get certain details for a place based on a query.
For up-to-date information about Autocomplete queries look here, for Place Details queries look here.
export interface ACQuery {
sessiontoken?: string;
offset?: number;
location?: string;
radius?: number;
language?: string;
types?: string;
components?: string;
strictbounds?: boolean;
export interface PDQuery {
language?: string;
region?: string;
sessiontoken?: string;
fields?: string;
export interface Options {
key: string;
export interface MSubstring {
length: number;
offset: number;
export type MSubstrings = Array<MSubstring>
export interface SFormat {
main_text: string;
main_text_matched_substrings: MSubstrings;
secondary_text: string;
export type SFormatting = Array<SFormat>
export interface Term {
offset: number;
value: string;
export type Terms = Array<Term>
export interface ACResult {
id: string;
place_id: string;
reference: string;
description: string;
matched_substrings: MSubstrings;
structured_formatting: SFormatting;
terms: Terms;
types: Array<string>;
export type ACResults = Array<ACResult>
export type Types = Array<string>
export type HTMLAttrs = Array<string>
export interface AddressComponent {
long_name: string;
short_name: string;
types: Types;
export type AddressComponents = Array<AddressComponent>
export interface Photo {
height: number;
html_attributions: HTMLAttrs;
photo_reference: string;
width: number;
export type Photos = Array<Photo>
export interface Location {
lat: string;
lng: string;
export interface Viewport {
northeast: Location;
southwest: Location;
export interface Geometry {
location: Location;
viewport: Viewport;
export interface PDResult {
address_components: AddressComponents;
adr_address: string;
formatted_address: string;
geometry: Geometry;
icon: string;
id: string;
name: string;
photos: Photos;
place_id: string;
reference: string;
scope: string;
types: Types;
url: string;
utc_offset: number;
vicinity: string;