See these pages: A user library: SyncStoredInteger, SyncStoredReal, SyncStoredBoolean, SyncStoredUnit, SyncStoredString
> В 1.31 существует баг, проявляющийся после загрузок сохранённых игр. В этом случае перестают работать почти все раннее добавленные события триггеров типа Specific Unit Event (EVENT_UNIT_SPELL_EFFECT, EVENT_UNIT_USE_ITEM и т.п.) Из...
"Daratrix" on Discord: > just finished testing it and it does that exactly, but thank you for that resource! > And it also ignores dead units, perfect 👌 >> **dead...
> OH YES, Willy, if you somehow manage to make the game use more than 16 ground* textures, YOU'LL BE MY ABSOLUTE HERO 😍 AND I'LL FAVOR HIVEFORGED FOREVER 🤟...
This post describes how to achieve the "hidden" inventory slots that go beyond the default maximum of 6 through an ability bug: Describe native behavior with this hack in...
#68 * [x] **StringHash** In what version was it changed? - [Answer (merged)]( * [ ] boolexpr.j: Does inheritance matter when choosing which destroy function to use? Memory leaks or...
The use of gamecache and related APIs seems to carry a lot of problems with it. See:
> Existed in 1.32.10 as an undocumented native (available via Lua). > Completely removed in v1.33.0.18897 PTR. Is there a chance to add this info manually? via #60 Assigned: myself Tasks: 1. Verify if TSA continues ticking when F10 is pressed in Singleplayer /or/ Game paused in multiplayer 2. How it is affected by base...
See this discussion: IsUnitSelected, SyncSelections,