### Description Songy Castle is _old_ and hasn't been updated since 2017. There could be a risk for security issues using it, though I am no expert with the _Castles_...
### Description Bring functionality for the server list to refresh itself. SmartCMServerList has getters/setters for static method `defaultServerWebSocket` and `defaultServerNetFilter`. By default they have Seattle CM's. You can change the...
### Description Bring CSGO/CS2 protobufs in as a library, similar to javasteam-tf. This has the same protobufs used in DoctorMcKay/node-globaloffensive, and is not a complete list of all CS related...
Reference: #261 Spongy Castle is old and hasn't been updated since 2017. There could be a risk for security issues using it, though I am no expert with the Castles...