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Fuzzy finder plugin for neovim, written in lua


This plugin is deprecated, see One term


FZTerm is my attempt at a fuzzy finder plugin, using a floating terminal and basically nothing else. The basic idea is to make it fully customizable, the plugins provides the basic framework and a few implementations. The only dependencies are bat, fzf and ag, but the framework is still usable without them.


  • Implemented commands : (can be called with the vim command or lua require'fzterm'.xxx(), xxx being the function called)
Vim command Summary Respects g:fzterm_ignore function called
:Files Lists files in pwd Yes files
:GFiles Lists git-files No gitFiles
:Buffers Lists open buffers No buffers
:Branches Lists git branches and lets you checkout to the selected one No branch
:Ag Searches files with the silver searcher Yes ag
:Rg Searches files with Ripgrep Yes rg
:FilesOrGFiles Runs :Files or :GFiles depending on the presence of a .git directory at vim's pwd No filesOrGitFiles
:Commits Lists git commits and shows you details No commits
:Blame Runs git blame on the file and lets you search the lines, displaying commit details in preview window No blame
:Commit Runs git commit in the preview window No commit
:DocumentSymbols Gets document symbols from neovim's built-in lsp No documentSymbols
:WorkspaceSymbols Gets workspace symbols from neovim's built-in lsp No workspaceSymbols
:References Gets references to keyword under the cursor from neovim's built-in lsp No references
:Mappings Fuzzy search for nvim mappings No mappings
:Colors Fuzzy search colorschemes and use the selected one No colors
:Ranger Browse files using ranger and open one in the current window No ranger
  • You can use the basic commands by simply calling them or mapping them, for example nnoremap <leader>f :Files<CR>.


  • The g:fzterm_ignore can be used to ignore files, for example let g:fzterm_ignore = {'.git', 'node_modules'}
  • The window's geometry can be configured using the following global variables:
    • g:fzterm_width sets the absolute width in columns
    • g:fzterm_height sets the absolute height in lines
    • g:fzterm_width_ratio is the ratio between the floating window width and the editor window's (default is "0.75")
    • g:fzterm_height_ratio is the ratio between the floating window height and the editor window's (default is "0.75")
    • g:fzterm_margin_left is the ratio of the editor window left as a margin on the left side of the floating window (default is "0.25")
    • g:fzterm_margin_top is the ratio of the editor window top as a margin on the top side of the floating window (default is "0.25")
    • For example, here is the config for a window that would span the whole width, half the height and would be docked at the bottom :
    let g:fzterm_width_ratio = "1"
    let g:fzterm_height_ration = "0.5"
    let g:fzterm_margin_left = "0"
    let g:fzterm_margin_top = "0.5"
  • The g:fzterm_disable_com variable can be set to true to disable all built-in commands. If you set this, you will need to manually configure your commands : command Files lua require'fzterm'.files()


  • The plugins provides the fzterm function, accessible via lua require'fzterm'.fzterm()
  • The function takes 5 arguments, the first 3 are shell commands :
    • pre_cmd, the command that will be piped into fzf or any fuzzy finder you choose (see 'matcher' arg)
    • post_cmd, the command the result is piped into, if empty or false the result is simply opened in a new buffer
    • matcher, what pre_cmd is piped into, usually fzf with args (default is fzf --preview -m 'bat --color=always -n {}')
    • internal changes the way pre_cmd is ran : if true, pre_cmd can be a vim command and will be executed in the current buffer
    • edit_cmd is the command ran by neovim to open the result(s) (default is "edit")
  • For example, here would be the code to change rg to a basic find for the :Files command :
    • lua :
     local fzterm = require'fzterm'
     fzterm.files = function()
       local pre_cmd = "find ."
    • For vimscript, you would wrap the code block into :
    lua << EOF
  • To use them in an init.vim, you can add something like this :
  command FilesExcludeHidden :lua require'fzterm'.fzterm('rg --files .')