facebook_page_group_comments copied to clipboard
HTTP Error 400: Bad Request
Hi, I am getting this error.
Error for URL https://graph.facebook.com/v2.11/RailMinIndia/posts?access_token=###################################&limit=25: 2020-03-04 21:46:32.320291 Retrying.
Do i need to take permission from my developer fb account to access page ?
Sorry for the delay,
Have you already create an app on developer.facebook.com and add app_id and app_secret? If you done it, make sure you have the following permissions active: publish_to_groups, pages_read_user_content, pages_manage_engagement, pages_manage_posts, Page Public Content Access Feature
best, Lorenzo
Hi, I'm getting the same issue as @logikroots.
I've made all the permissions active - just don't know how to activate Page Public Content Access Feature. Any ideas?
Also - I'm using a facebook "collections" group, will this still work?
Sir i want to ask where should i create the posts folder.i am using jupiter
@nandzzz123this one: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/apps/features-reference#reference-PAGES_ACCESS
I never used "collection", so i don't know. Please let me know when you will try.
@tehseenkhan009 as reported in your screenshot, you need to create a folder named posts (you can change the name of the folder changing the string in line 211) on the root directory of the repository.
Can you please sir give us the demo of this project how u run it.It will be very helpfull.?
i give app id and access token as secret id and page id as page id number but still it gives me Bad request sir, as well as i have given all the 20 permission and it does not include age Public Content Access Feature coz i cant find it in the permissions.
Now sir i replaced the secret with the secret id of the app but still gives the bad request
@tehseenkhan009 I can't test permissions in my app because as you read, Facebook temporarily paused the individual verification.
How to get Page Public Content Access. Because of it it keeps on giving me:
" HTTP Error 400: Bad Request Error for URL https://graph.facebook.com/v7.0/103937094731360/posts?access_token=********************************************************-Au-E&limit=25: 2020-08-18 16:59:47.760805 Retrying. " This goes on... Please tell me how to get this Page Public Content Access. I've read the link, which you mentioned above ('https://developers.facebook.com/docs/apps/features-reference#reference-PAGES_ACCESS').
I'm not able to make it work or get access to it. Please show how to do so.
hello halo I have trouble when entering the access code, when I run, keyerror founded, and what do u mean about "type unicode", fyi i also input the access code from graph api, can you help me