can't ya just cap a Marauder ship & read the description?
I'll just retaliate w/ the World Ships having descriptions just look in the files though
why not just make a small area in the I screen where the description is shown? maybe something that can be expanded
the stronger outfits like the grenades would be "nerfed" due to getting consumed, while weaker stuff like rifles would become relevant maybe lower the prices a bit on consumed stuff...
1 grenade wouldn't harm the metal insides, more grenades shouldn't either every round a crew member could either use some rifle or whatever or an expendable outfit, but it'd take...
I'd assume every ship has some area where ships can board each other (maybe where people also enter the ship on-planet) what would a control panel be doing there, I'd...
~it's not the realism I'm worried about, it's the gameplay~
in the shipyard/outfitter or in I?
I'm a C# dev, C++ is new for me, but I'll see if I can review some stuff here and there. Though as far as I know there are proper...
I did what I can given my experience with a different language. Still needs a review of someone with proper C++ experience, of course. (Next time I'll do a review...