I have an app that downloads bunch of data and saves it into DB, I save this data in transaction in background thread. I also make simple SELECT queries from...
I updated source code to compile under Swift 1.2, it's just replacing "as" with "as!", everything should work just fine. I also added method to add new columns to existing...
I checked the code and I did not find the place where this column is used internally (I might have missed something though). Is there any reason why you are...
**(Required) Version Number:** 8.0.2 I have a vertical calendar view with 1 year range. I want it to start at the current month, which is last month in the range....
If I want to use different status bar style in different center controllers within navigation stack, I need to respond to preferredStatusBarStyle method, but JASidePanelController doesn't let me do it...
* MobileMessaging SDK version: 12.3.3 * Xcode version: 15.2 * Your application language: Swift * Cocoapods version: Using SPM, not CocoaPods I am trying to add mobile-message-sdk-ios to my project,...
I tried to create a particle effect, I set various properties like lifetime, speed but then I wanted to change color. When I changed start color, particles disappeared and I...