
Results 15 comments of LongxingTan

@YakubFahimLuckyarno sorry i missed to mention another directory change. in /example/data/read_data.py line 102 ``` def get_examples(self, data_dir, sample=1, start_date=None, plot=False, model_dir='../weights'): ```

> > @YakubFahimLuckyarno > > sorry i missed to mention another directory change. > > in /example/data/read_data.py line 102 > > ``` > > def get_examples(self, data_dir, sample=1, start_date=None, plot=False,...

@Hzither Hi, can you copy more your training code? from the screen shot, it seems fine. Epoch 1/100

是不是跑的时间比较长, 其实还在跑?我用了kaggle一份上传的数据,跑了三个epoch是没有问题的。不过上传的人改了一些代码导致后来会报错 [https://www.kaggle.com/code/tanlongxing/kdd-cup-2022-wind-power-forecast](https://www.kaggle.com/code/tanlongxing/kdd-cup-2022-wind-power-forecast)
